How to Get a Fully Funded Scholarship Abroad

Getting a fully funded scholarship to study abroad can seem like an impossible dream for many Nigerian students. With the high costs of international education and limited scholarship opportunities, finding funding often presents a major obstacle. However, with proper planning, research, and preparation, getting a full-ride scholarship abroad as a Nigerian student is achievable.

In this blog post, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to get a fully funded scholarship to study overseas as a Nigerian student. I’ll cover the key steps including finding scholarship opportunities, putting together a strong application, getting compelling recommendation letters, and acing the interview process.

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to making your study abroad dreams a reality without breaking the bank.

Step 1: Start Planning Early

The first step to getting a fully funded scholarship abroad is starting your planning very early. Ideally, you should start researching scholarship opportunities at least 12 months before you intend to begin your program abroad. This gives you plenty of time to find the right scholarship, put together your application materials, and get everything submitted well before the deadlines.

When starting early, you can spend time thoroughly researching different scholarship databases to find opportunities that are the best fit for your goals, interests, and qualifications. Some good scholarship databases to utilize include, Scholar, Scholarships Africa, and Uni Abroad, You can search by country, subject area, eligibility criteria, and other filters to narrow down scholarships tailored for Nigerian students.

You also have time to get your other application materials ready including your transcripts, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and financial aid forms. Having these materials prepared well in advance will allow you to submit complete, high-quality applications for each scholarship. Rushing to put together applications last minute is a common mistake. Give yourself plenty of time.

Starting your scholarship search early is key. Don’t wait until a few months before you plan to study abroad. You need time to research options, get your materials ready, correspond with potential recommenders, and prepare strong essays or interview answers.

Step 2: Target the Right Scholarships

With so many scholarships out there, it’s essential to target the right opportunities that you are most likely to receive as a Nigerian student. Here are some tips on finding the best scholarships to apply for:

  • Look for scholarships offered by universities you want to attend, as you may have a higher chance of success applying directly to a school.
  • Seek out scholarships offered by organizations or philanthropic groups in your home country Nigeria, as they often want to support Nigerian students studying abroad.
  • Search for scholarships designated for African or developing world students, which you will be eligible for as a Nigerian.
  • Look for awards based on skills, accomplishments, or extracurricular activities – not just academics. Sports, community service, artistic talents, and leadership experience may open up scholarship options.
  • Consider scholarships offered by individual departments, institutes, or foundations related to your intended program area or career goals.
  • Research scholarships funded by major international organizations like the UN, Commonwealth, AU, and European Union.
  • Don’t limit yourself to fully funded awards if they are highly competitive. Many partial scholarships can be combined to cover all costs.

Applying to 5-10 scholarships that are all strong fits for you is ideal. Cast a wide net, but still tailor each application to every scholarship sponsor’s unique priorities and mission. Securing a fully funded scholarship takes effort, but with persistence it is achievable.

Step 3: Get Excellent Recommendation Letters

Most scholarship applications will require recommendation letters to vouch for your abilities, achievements, and potential to succeed with overseas studies.

Your recommenders and the letters they write can make or break your scholarship application. Follow these tips to get letters that truly stand out:

  • Choose recommenders who know you very well and can provide specific, detailed examples of your qualifications. Professors, mentors, or supervisors who have worked closely with you are best.
  • Meet with each recommender to explain the scholarship, your background and goals, and why you’re asking them to write the letter. Provide them with your full application materials.
  • Give recommenders at least one month’s notice before letters are due so they have ample time. Follow up politely to ensure they complete letters on time.
  • Provide recommenders with any forms, instructions, or guidelines from the scholarship organization. Make their job easy.
  • Ask recommenders to emphasize key attributes like your academic excellence, leadership skills, perseverance in the face of challenges, and potential impact on your country when you return from studies. These aspects matter to sponsors.
  • Request letters from 5-7 recommenders in case some fall through. This provides you options to choose the best 3-4 letters for each application.
  • Send thank you notes showing your deep appreciation for your recommenders’ support. Getting excellent recommendation letters requires effort and relationship building. But they are absolutely essential to getting fully funded scholarships abroad. Make this a top priority.

Step 4: Write Stellar Essays

The essays or personal statements you submit with scholarship applications give selection committees a window into who you are as an applicant. Follow these guidelines to craft essays that get you noticed:

  • Thoroughly research each scholarship sponsor to understand their priorities. Tailor your content to show how you meet their particular goals.
  • Answer the essay prompts specifically while revealing your passion, background, abilities, and future potential. Scholarship judges want to get to know the real you.
  • Be detailed yet concise. Show don’t tell. Use vivid examples to illustrate your qualifications rather than just listing accolades.
  • Proofread exhaustively. Grammar and spelling errors will undermine otherwise excellent essays.
  • Tell your personal story. Share how personal challenges or unique experiences shaped your worldview and future goals. Authenticity and sincerity matter.
  • Highlight academic and professional achievements but focus more on leadership experience, community impact, and perseverance in the face of adversity.
  • Express how receiving the scholarship will empower you to return home and contribute to Nigeria’s development. This inspires sponsors’ giving.
  • Have multiple people – teachers, family, friends – provide feedback to improve your essays before submitting. Invest time to polish.

The essays often make or break scholarship applications. Admissions officers want to understand you, your passions, and your dreams for the future based on what you write. Make them remember you.

Step 5: Ace the Interview

Many prestigious, fully funded scholarships require finalists to complete an interview with judges or the scholarship sponsor. This is your chance to shine and have a conversation about how you perfectly match what the organization is looking for. Follow these tips for interview success:

  • Thoroughly research the scholarship sponsors so you understand their mission and priorities. You can directly convey how your goals align.
  • Practice commonly asked scholarship interview questions so you can articulate thoughtful responses. Have specific examples ready that show your qualifications.
  • Review your full application and have clear reasons in mind for why you deserve to be selected. Confidently convey this, not arrogantly.
  • Dress professionally and conservatively. You want interview attire that is formal but allows you to feel comfortable and confident.
  • Make steady eye contact and have warm body language. Smile. Be polite in all interactions.
  • Project confidence but balance it with humility. Show you are hungry to learn and grow.
  • Express your passion for your academic field of study and sincere desire to make a difference after you complete your program.
  • Ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your genuine interest in the sponsor’s work and goals for the scholarship program.

With meticulous preparation and practice, scholarship interviews allow you to truly stand out. Be professional yet personable. Show the human side behind your application.



Getting a fully funded scholarship to study internationally as a Nigerian student is very achievable if you follow the strategic steps outlined above. The process requires putting significant time and effort into every phase of the application – from researching opportunities early to getting compelling recommendation letters and acing interviews. But the reward of having your entire academic program and living expenses covered is well worth it.

Studying internationally provides priceless experiences. But as a Nigerian, finding funding can be extremely challenging. I hope this guide has outlined actionable steps you can take starting today to ultimately get a full-ride scholarship. With the right preparation and effort, studying abroad can become a reality.

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