Easy Everyday Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

Why do we need brain exercises that boost memory when the human brain’s memory capacity has been estimated to be 2.5 petabytes.

A “petabyte” is equal to 1024 terabytes or a million gigabytes of digital memory, meaning the average adult human brain can hold the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory.

Everybody forgets stuff from time to time. How many times have you misplaced your car keys or forgotten a new acquaintance’s name?

In this article

  • Reasons we forget
  • Can memory be improved?
  • What kind of mental exercise is the most beneficial?
  • Some Other helpful exercise that boosts memory
  • Final Note

Scientists tell us that the most advanced item in the known universe is your brain.

At any given time, millions of messages are rushing through your nervous system, allowing your brain to receive, process, and retain information, as well as send orders throughout your body.

Reasons we forget

So why do we often run into problems when trying to remember stuff? So before we dive into brain exercises that boost memory, let’s explore an l why we According to studies, 56 percent of information is forgotten after an hour, After one day, 66 percent, and after six days, 75 percent.

Every time a new theory is developed, a memory trace is created, according to this theory. These memory traces, according to the decay theory, weaken and vanish over time. It will eventually be lost if the information is not retrieved and practiced.

  • Interference:

Interference is a phenomenon that causes people to forget things. Some memories fight for attention and hinder the recall of others.

When information is comparable to previously stored in memory, interference is more likely to occur.

  • Not storing:

Losing information sometimes has less to do with forgetting and more to do with the fact that it was never stored in long-term memory, to begin with.

  • Forgetting with a Purpose:

We may try to forget memories, especially those of painful or distressing events or experiences, on occasion. Because painful memories can be uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing, we may want to eliminate them.

  • Not having enough sleep:

Because sleep is so necessary for memory consolidation, not getting enough of it might be detrimental to your memory.

Can memory be improved?

A resounding of course, our memory is a skill that may be developed with practice and good general habits, just like any other skill.

You can begin with simple steps. Pick a new demanding activity to learn, exercise for a few minutes each day, stick to a sleep routine, and eat more green vegetables, fish, and nuts, for example.

What kind of mental exercise is the most beneficial?

Now to the main focus of this article which is brain exercises to boost memory.

You may keep your mind and memory fresh by doing brain exercises in addition to adopting good lifestyle practices like eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to do so; who says you can’t even have so much fun while doing them. Let’s move forward with the list of brain exercises that boost memory.

  1. Do the numbers:

When it comes to improving your cognitive abilities, numeracy is essential, helping to boost logical thinking. Try this brain activity; it’s pretty popular.

Adding three and subtracting 7. ” Choose any three-digit number and add 3 to 3 three times. Then deduct seven from it seven different times from the new number.

To give you more clarity, here is an example: Choose 50, add 3 three times, then subtract 7 seven times? What did you get? Did you arrive at 10?

Repeat this process at least five times more, each time selecting a different three-digit number. You can also start with a 4-digit number and utilize an additional amount of variables.

  1. Try recalling:

Make a list of everything you need – groceries, to-do items, or anything else that comes to mind — and memorize it. See how many things you can recall after one hour. To get the most mental stimulation, make a list as tricky as possible.

  1. Make a word image:

Visualize a word’s spelling in your mind, then try to develop additional terms that start (or end) with the same two letters.

  1. Put your taste buds to the test:

Try to identify individual ingredients in your food, including delicate herbs and spices, while you’re eating.

  1. Don’t go straight to Google:

The Google effect, also known as digital amnesia, tends to forget information that is easily accessible via search engines such as Google. We do not commit this information to memory because it is readily available online.

  1. Learning a foreign language is a great way to broaden your horizons:

The brain is stimulated by the listening and hearing involved.

An extensive vocabulary has also been linked to a lower incidence of cognitive deterioration.

  1. Before going to bed, stay away from bright screens:

Blue light from cell phones, televisions, and computers suppresses melatonin production, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). The asleep process that isn’t well-regulated can significantly impact sleep quality.

If we don’t get enough sleep or relax, our brain’s neurons become overworked.

They can’t coordinate information anymore, making memory retrieval more difficult. Allow your brain to unwind by turning off your devices approximately an hour before bedtime.

Some Other helpful Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

  • Learn something new
  • Stay organized
  • Follow a sleep pattern
  • Watch what you eat
  • Manage stress
  • socialize
  • Get physical

A Final Note on Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

What causes some people’s memories to deteriorate while others remain as sharp as a tack? Choices, as much as genes, play an influence.

Following a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check are proven ways to maintain a memory.

It’s also crucial to have a mentally active lifestyle. Brain exercise, like physical exercise, helps maintain mental skills and memory in shape.

Your brain is capable of far more than you may realize. Take a moment to ponder all of the things that humans have created.

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How to Start Small Scale Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

How to Start Small Scale Poultry Farming Business in General: Poultry farming is a multi Agric business in the agricultural sector in Nigeria. It is a high-income business requiring a mostly minimal amount of N300,000 to start. The consumption of the end products of birds: chicken and eggs are of high rate in the market.


Also, the demand for eggs in the market today even though expensive is off the hook of the statistical table in the Agric-economy. Most importantly, chicken and eggs are the best source of animal protein for kids, teenagers and old adults.

Why is Poultry farming a gainful business?

  1. Poultry farming is profitable because almost everything is of value and can be utilized.
  2. The high consumption of eggs and chicken overall.
  3. The droppings of the birds can also be sold as manure or fertilizers for those involved in plant farming.
  4. Quick returns of the invested amount in less than 8 weeks for broilers and layers.
  5. The initial capital is low compared to other investments requiring higher amounts.

How to Start Small Scale Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

To start a poultry farm, there are a lot of things to be considered,

  1. Breeds of birds to rear
  2. Land space
  3. Housing/shelter and lightning
  4. Purchasing of feeds
  5. Vaccination and Medications
  6. The market and sales


When thinking of how to start a poultry farm, the first thing to come to mind is the type of bird species you want to rear. There are different breeds of chicken if you consider chicken as your best option because of the market value and fast sale returns.

The Broilers: These breeds of chicken have assumed the fastest-selling breeds of chicken in Nigeria. They grow from a hatch weight of 40g to about 2kg in less than 8 weeks.

The Layers: Just like the name implies are the egg-laying breeds. They are mostly reared for their eggs. They grow within four months and drop their first eggs within a year and 5 months till about two weeks before they start becoming weak.

The Cockerels: The cockerels have special demand in the Agric market. They are reared for there, especially for their meats. They have very slow growth.

LAND SPACE: If you do not have enough capital to acquire a good space you can decide to use the battery cage system. But if you have a good space in your compound or you have a land that you want to start the business with that will be better.

Feeding and Medication OF The Poultry BIRDS

Starting a Small Scale Poultry Farming Business, good quality, highly nutritious food is a must. Quality and neat feeds keep the bird healthy always and very productive.

The feed must be kept clean and dry always, as contaminated feed can infect poultry. Fresh quality and nutritious food is the key to success in the poultry farming business.

Your birds need not lack water. Lack of adequate water supply can impede their growth.

Proper medication and vaccination can prevent many poultry diseases. As a commercial poultry farmer, you need to have a veterinary doctor that can come run a check on your birds when the need arises.

There are various routine medications and vaccinations that help towards the healthiness of your birds to keep them safe from viruses and bacterial infections, peradventure they catch an infectious disease.

Marketing and Sales 

If you’re going to be successful with running a Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria then you have to be mindful of the time. When I was running a small-scale Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria, I was basically focused on the production of meat. I was In a rural area and what I usually do is to start rearing my birds in January and I sell off during April which is the Easter celebration.

Christmas is another period that you should always be targeting Poultry Farming Business is usually very lucrative during the Christmas period and you have to always make sure that you have birds available for sale.

If you’re living in an urban area you won’t be needing the tips above as you can create a customer base that will be buying from you all the time. You can take your business online, selling to hotels and restaurants, advertising your products, employing marketers, home delivery, etc.

The Poultry Farming Business is a profitable business and the desire of every poultry farmer is to make good sales after every harvest. So you need to pay attention to the marketing and sales aspect of your business. Do not be caught up in the operational aspect of your business so much that you ignore the sales aspect.

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Lucrative Businesses in Nigeria That Make Millions of Naira

Lucrative Businesses in Nigeria That Make Millions of Naira-In a time, when majority of youth in Nigeria still think waiting on the government to provide employment is the focus at the center, here is a list of businesses you can decide to venture into if you truly want to be independent. Thank us later.

1. Fast Food business – You need decent customer service, management skills and capital in order to set up an eatery and make sure that everything runs professionally. You can set out on your own and create your own brand, or buy in to an already established business franchise, such as Tantaliser, Tastee Chicken.

2. E-commerce – This is a very promising venture and the best thing is, you will have all the tools and
customers over the web. If you do not have the required knowledge, you can collaborate with an
established firm to operate your e-commerce enterprise.

Benefits are – Low start-up costs, changes can be made instantly, the potential customer reach, and you can easily measure results with cost effective online marketing.

3. Construction business – Business is booming in Nigeria, and so is our population. To support this
growth, Nigeria now has a booming construction and housing sector.

The range, type and size of projects is huge, so there are plenty of opportunities depending on how much capital you can invest. If managing a construction project isn’t for you, you can set yourself up as a local dealer to supply building materials. The investment is not as huge, but considerable investment will be required initially to buy and stock materials. But you can be assured that there will be no shortage of business.

4. Hotel business – This is a goldmine industry if you can get it right, but the competition in this
sector is quite high. To launch and maintain your hotel you will need a large amount of capital. It
takes planning, patience and hard work to start a hotel business. A high-level of customer service skills is also required to attract new and returning visitors.

5. Kerosene retail – You can set yourself up as a supplier to make your millions quickly. Kerosene is
used in most homes in Nigeria, and Africa due to inconsistent power supply. This is one of the most lucrative business opportunities in Nigeria. Entrepreneurs have been known to receive 100% returns on their initial investment.

6. Rice farming – Is the most profitable area in Nigerian agriculture. Nigeria has a low local
production of rice, but an extremely high consumption rate, which leads us to import the
majority of our rice from overseas. Recent reforms in the Nigerian agriculture sector have seen the government open up the sector for more investments to support small, medium and large-scale farmers.

7. Haulage services – Given the poor rail transport system in Nigeria, most of the goods are shifted by
road and this makes the haulage business in Nigeria extremely lucrative.

8. Snail rearing – This is one of the business ideas in Nigeria that needs low investment as
snails require simple vegetation to eat, and they reproduce at an alarming rate. You will need to
invest in housing and protecting them, as snails are delicate, and must retain their moisture to survive.
There is not much competition in the industry and you can enjoy making profits without many

9. Car and machinery spare parts – As Nigeria’s, economy grows, so does our manufacturing industry. This has driven a rapid increase for capital goods such as machinery, lubricants, spare parts, ball bearings and other mechanical goods and accessories. The key is to find a good supplier from abroad. UAE-based enterprises have emerged as the leading supplier of these goods to many countries in Africa.

10. Poultry farming – This is big business, and you can begin with around 100 birds, and build it
into a large-scale enterprise within a short period of time. You can make money from selling chicken eggs, or chickens for meat. This is a top business startup idea.

11. Transport business – Although a little messy at present, it is a profitable sector in Nigeria and
can help you make millions annually.

12. Fruit Juice Making – This is a capital-intensive business, but if you can manage the funds you can grow as big as Chivita or La Carcella given how much Nigerians love their fruit juice.

13. Tokunbo trade – Business of second hand items in Nigeria is very lucrative and many Nigerians want to spend as little as possible to buy second hand items such as clothes instead of buying new ones.

14. Dry Cleaning & Laundry – Float a professional dry cleaning business and keep your rates low and
service quality quite high. This type of business is especially profitable in a big city, or urbanized area.

15. Pure Water Production – Although this business needs some capital investment, it can be worth your effort and money in the long run particularly if you can manage pure water production and keep the quality intact over a long time. Your options are to sell as sachet, bagged or bottled water.

16. Professional Car Wash – This can be a good business if you choose a location like Lagos where
you will be able to find a number of good cars.

17. Internet Business – You can provide fast Internet connection at affordable monthly rates and manage it well enough to make tons of money.

18. Nursery and Primary School – There is a lack of good schools in the country and you can set up
high quality nurseries or primary schools to make millions of Naira.

19. Online tech support – You can easily set up an online tech support business and make a lot of
money within a year or two of your business launch. This is a simple business and you do not
have to be a tech expert to operate in this sector.

I’ve known people set up these types of businesses, and outsource the work to tech professionals and many of them abound on the internet space with myself as a case in point.
20. Furniture business – A lot of profits await you in the buying and selling of furniture. You do not
have to be a carpenter to do this. You can simply contact trustworthy carpenters in your area and
arrange a steady supply of furniture items to display in your showroom. This is a big scale
enterprise due to the fact that only a few people can afford imported designers.


All of these business ideas have great potential, and the ability to help you generate millions, but
remember the success is in the planning , and your ability to execute your plan.

There are also some key elements that you must assess before committing to any business venture. Once you have all of these elements in place, you are only a few steps away to becoming your boss.

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How to use Paystack for payment Quick and Easy

Paystack is the payment processor of choice for some of the fastest-growing businesses in Nigeria. Here are 12 reasons why you should use Paystack. How to use Paystack for payment Quick and Easy

  1. Start accepting payments instantly

Paystack is the quickest, easiest method to start accepting online payments in Nigeria. Once you sign up, after a few minutes, you start receiving payments.

  1. Simple, transparent pricing.

Paystack only charges a small fee per transaction, which means they only make money when you do, and they try to ensure every transaction succeeds.

  1. Delight customers with a seamless payments experience

Paystack allows your customers to use any medium they want to pay you. It gives them a stress-free transaction.

  • Card
  • Bank Account
  • Bank Transfer
  • USSD
  • Apple Pay
  • Visa QR
  • Mobile Money
  • POS
  1. Enjoy phenomenal transaction success rates

We mechanically route payments through the foremost optimum channels guaranteeing the highest transaction success rates in the market.

  1. Protect yourself and your customers with advanced fraud detection

Paystack’s combination of machine-controlled and manual fraud systems shield you from deceitful transactions and associated chargeback claims.

  • PCI-DSS-certified systems
  • Automated fraud monitoring

When a Paystack business user is frauded, all other Paystack users is being protected from further attempts.

  1. Build custom payments experiences with well-documented APIs

Developers love our thorough, well-documented APIs that permit you to create everything from weekend projects to complicated money merchandise serving many thousands of customers. If you’ll be able to imagine it, you’ll be able to build it with Paystack.

  • Collect a one-time payment from your app or website
  • Make instant transfers
  • Retrieve all your transaction and customer data
  • Verify the identity of customers

Check here for More Businesses that will enable you use paystack

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How To Create Facebook Group Page

How To Create Facebook Group Page-I will guide on how you can create a Facebook group page on this online tutorial. Before we go on the steps on how you can create a Facebook business page, understand that creating a Facebook business page and creating a Facebook group page are two different thing. When you understands the two different you will appreciate it better.

When you create a Facebook group page yourself from your Facebook account in order to become the admin of that group, when you create the group and becomes an admin, you will have a full control of the group, you can share any commercial or business packages to the group members, you can add or reject request sent by members, approve post that is made by members on the group and you can as well remove a member.

Meanwhile, which ever kind of group you want to have, be it any business group page, news group page, prayer/church, seminar or tutorials group just know that the steps to create a Facebook group page of any kind are all same and you can follow the steps below.

How To Create Facebook Group Page-www.Facebook.com

In order to create a Facebook group page of any kind, you have to sign in on your Facebook account, because is through your Facebook account that you can create a group, you cannot create a group outside your Facebook profile account.

  1. Tap on www.Facebook.com on your phone or mobile phone number
  2. on the Facebook sign in homepage, enter your username and password, then click on “Login” and your right there on your Facebook account.
  3. After you sign in your account, click on the “Create” in the top right side of your Facebook homepage and select group.
  4. Then enter the name you wish to use on the group, add group members using their names or email addresses, choose the group privacy setting.

When your done with the above steps your Facebook group will be done and you can start adding group members and making more persons admin to enable them add more group members.

How To Create A Facebook Account

If you are yet to have a Facebook account, you need to create one for yourself, so you can be able to create a Facebook group page. Follow the steps below and create your account.

  1. Visit www.Facebook.com
  2. Click on the “Create A New Account” link
How To Create Facebook Group Page
How To Create Facebook Group Page


3.Enter your first name, surname, mobile number or email address, New password, date of birth, gender.


4. Then click on “Sign up” by clicking sign up, you agree to our terms, data policy and cookie policy.

There are more things Facebook account can offer you, you can use Facebook business ads manager account to promote your business, Facebook personal profile to chat and meet new people all over the world and more.

You have any questions? Use the comment Box Below

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How to become a data analyst

In a field that is ever-changing that of data science, a career path that is relatively simple to comprehend is that of a data analyst. In the end, an analyst in data science does what it says as analyzing data. Searching for how to become a data analyst from scratch, read this article to the end.

The process of analyzing data can be described as something that we do daily. Each of us is constantly learning and learning new data (data) and coming to various conclusions and making multiple decisions based on that (analysis).

In the simplest sense, the role of a data analyst is to collect data, organize it, and then make well-informed (or findings-based) choices based on the results.

More like what one would find on the job description: Is an analyst in data analysis is accountable to understand the trends and patterns that are discovered in huge data sets, and translating this information into conclusions based on behavior or projections, presenting these to other stakeholders, and eventually informing, if not determining, the direction and decisions of an organization.

Data analysts are frequently employed by companies to aid in the development of or improve the efficiency of business processes.

This guide will walk you through the steps needed in becoming an analyst and provide a full description of the position as well as salary details and the outlook for future employment.

What is a data analyst?

Data analysts collect information and apply it to aid companies in making better business decision-making.

A data analyst gathers data on specific subjects, and interprets, analyzes, and reports on findings in extensive reports.

A variety of different kinds of businesses employ data analysts to gather and analyze information.

As specialists in their field, data analysts are frequently required to utilize their expertise and tools to help competitive analysts and spot trends within the industries.

A data analyst is comparable to a data scientist, however, they’re not the exact same job and are usually not the ones who develop the algorithms that are used in the discovery of data and for acquisition.

Instead of creating their own data projects, analysts are often faced with particular business challenges by using tools, systems as well as data sets.

Both fields share a similar objective: to figure out the best way to utilize data to answer questions and resolve issues for the benefit of their company or industry.

What exactly does an analyst of data do?

Data analysts translate trends, numbers, and trajectories to easily digestible data. Companies collect information (i.e. inventory figures, sales figures and market research, profits margins, logistics costs, and transport costs).

Data analysts’ job is to analyze that data and make use of it to assist companies in making smarter business decisions.

The primary goal of the role of a data analyst is to address problems that cost companies money as well as to aid in making choices to grow the company’s operations.

A few examples of the basic duties of a data analyst are:

  1. Estimating market share
  2. Setting a price for new materials to be put on the market
  3. Lowering the cost of transportation
  4. Sales timing
  5. determining when to add or cut back on the workforce

Data analysts are accountable for collecting, manipulating, and analyzing data. Data analysts employ systematic methods using standard formulas and methods to analyze relevant information.

They usually prepare reports that outline the findings of their research.

Data analysts can do basic statistical calculations, like the variations and averages that occur for the same product for a specific time.

They also estimate yields and analyze the frequency distribution of data that is continuous.

They utilize the traditional methods for collecting data, analyzing, and reporting in the course of completing their duties.

Data analysts are always vigilant about protecting the company’s data and make sure that their data findings provide consistent, repeatable guidelines.

How to become a data analyst from scratch

First step:

Get a bachelor’s degree in statistics or computer science.

For the best chance of setting yourself to be successful within the area of analysis and data, you should consider getting a master’s level degree related to the subject.

A particular education in the analysis of data is a good choice, either computer science or information technology, and a minor in (or at the very least, taking classes in) the applied sciences of statistics and data analysis.

You should also take computer science courses that focus on project management and database management. Locate a career advisor or counselor who is familiar with the career path of a data analyst.

Step 2: Gain data analyst experience

It can be difficult to get work in the field of data analysis when you do not have prior experience.

Internships while at school are an ideal method to gain knowledge and provide knowledge about further skill development and education.

Yet, many tech-related professionals start with entry-level jobs, which include posts such as a technician or statistical assistant.

These positions provide work-based knowledge and training. Attend as many classes as you can, specifically those that focus on and incorporate analytic software and big-data management.

Knowledge, experience, and a desire to learn can help you reach the level you’d like to attain and earn the credentials sought in hiring professionals.

3. Enhancing your career, consider the possibility of completing a master’s or certificate course

A degree with a higher level of education will provide many opportunities for employment and ways to improve your professional career.

Employers require candidates to possess an extensive knowledge base and know the most recent technologies and tools.

Think about a master’s of data science or data analytics or management of big data. These programs generally offer access to the most recent software from the top experts in the fields.

A lot of universities work with companies to develop teams, internships, and capstone projects. You provide valuable real-world experience while earning an advanced degree.

Do you feel apprehensive about the cost or commitment needed to earn an entire master’s degree?

Certificate programs are a different alternative and can be a great academic launchpad. The certificates are intended to provide you with a thorough knowledge of the subject within an incredibly short amount of time.

There are exceptions and variations however you’ll be able to get an award in about 12 months.

There is no need to earn a certification in data analytics or visualization in particular, as you can also pursue certificates in the field of business analytics as well as statistical analytics for predictive purposes, visualization of data as well as a myriad of different options.

To give an example to illustrate, the University of Washington offers a Certificate in Data Visualization on their website or on its Downtown Seattle campus.

In just nine months and in three courses, you’ll be taught Data Visualization Theory, Data Visualization Presentation and the art of Decision Making Through Data Visualization.

You’ll learn about the most commonly used tools for creating visual representations (Microsoft Excel as well as Tableau) as well as you’ll be able to master understanding and visualizing the designs of data patterns built upon ” visual cognition and perception.

Job description for a Data Analyst

  • Find out the questions being asked and determine the possibility of having those questions answered with data.
  • Find out the technical aspects of the collection and analysis of data and report on design.
  • Find new sources of data and strategies to enhance data collection analysis, reporting, and analysis.
  • Gather, analyze and present data in order to satisfy business requirements.
  • Differentiate between patterns and trends.
  • The report should be comprehensive and reproducible.

Skills required to become an analyst of data

As with other analysts in the field of business, data analysts usually have strong technical skills backed by a solid understanding of the industry.

They are aware of the relationships between the various databases of an organization as well as data sources.

They collect data using complicated queries, as well as advanced methods and tools for data.


What you’ve seen above is a complete guide for you on how to become a data analyst follow through with every bit of what is written above to get all you need as a data analyst

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How to start investing in Tesla stocks

How to start investing in Tesla stocks in Canada-2018 was a huge year for Tesla Motors, but the company has also made some big moves in its short history, including launching one of the biggest IPOs of all time and moving forward with an acquisition that’s potentially worth billions.

It’s no wonder everyone from individual investors to financiers around the world are waiting to hear what Tesla’s got up its sleeve next. Are you among them? If so, you’re going to want to read on for more information about how to buy TESLA stocks in Canada, as well as how to buy TESLA stocks in general.

How Does The Market Works?

The stock market is where investors buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies. When you buy a share, you become a part-owner of the company.

The value of your shares will go up or down depending on how well the company does.

If people are buying more shares than they’re selling, then the price goes up because there’s more demand than supply. If people are selling more than they’re buying, then the price goes down because there’s more supply than demand.

It’s also called a bear market when prices are going down and investors are pessimistic about the future of the company.

On the other hand, it’s called a bull market when prices are going up because there’s optimism about the future.

What Is A Stock Exchange And How Do I Use It?

A stock exchange is a marketplace where stocks (pieces of ownership in businesses) and other securities are bought and sold. You can use a stock exchange to buy or sell stocks, bonds, and other securities.

In order to trade on a stock exchange, you must have an account with a broker who is registered with that particular exchange. The brokerage company provides the tools needed to create orders and execute trades.

When opening an account, it is important to determine which exchanges will be most useful for trading your desired securities. For example, if you want a comprehensive list of companies from around the world, you might want to open accounts at several different exchanges so that you can access these markets.

Why did I choose Tesla?

I choose Tesla because I believe in the company’s mission and vision. I also believe that Tesla is one of the most innovative companies in the world and that their products are changing the way we live and interact with our environment.

Finally, I think that Tesla’s stock is undervalued and has a lot of potential for growth. The electric car industry will continue to grow in popularity as it becomes more affordable and accessible than ever before.

Furthermore, there are many other sectors of the market where Tesla is making big waves such as energy storage, solar panels, and batteries.

That said, Tesla’s stock may not be right for everyone. If you’re considering buying TESLA shares, do your research and make sure this investment is right for you.


In conclusion, the above are the three main methods that can be used to buy TESLA stocks in Canada. However, it is always important to make sure that the stock you invest in is not overvalued as this will lead to high losses. Remember also that investing requires patience and discipline. Make sure that you have a long-term goal and stick with it.

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How to Start Laundry Business in Nigeria

The laundry business is also known as the dry cleaning business is the process of washing, drying, and ironing clothes for individuals and organizations. The laundry business is a lucrative business in Nigeria. You can make lots of money washing people’s clothes for them. Learn how to Start Laundry Business in Nigeria following the steps below.

Laundry is a profitable low-risk business, that is no fear of losing. Anyone can do laundry business, students can use it as part-time work to make ends meet.

The laundry business is very important.  Average Nigerian leaves home as early as 5 am in the morning and returns very late at night, Most work from Mondays to Saturdays and Sunday is the only available day.

The tight schedule makes it difficult to create time for washing clothes. That is where a dry cleaner comes into the picture.

Essential Equipment needed to start laundry business

How to Start Laundry Business in Nigeria

To start any business, there are some important tools needed for the smooth running of the business.

  • Laundry detergent
  • Washing machines
  • Washing Basins
  • Pressing Iron
  • Ironing table
  • Cloth Hanger
  • Starch
  • Water
  • Table clothes
  • Clothes dry rack
  • Generator
  • Packaging Nylon and tags
  • Shelves

Steps to starting laundry business

There are things to consider before starting a laundry business. Let’s take a look at some of these things

Step 1: Find A Good Location

A good location is very important in any business. Location can determine the sales of a business. It is advisable to find a less competitive place. If you can find a place where the laundry business is not competitive, it will be good.

Consider locations in open places. Locations that are close to the road where people can notice your business and see what you are doing. The location should be a busy place where people going and coming from work pass through.

Your location should also be, that is places where people are living. Your location determines how you charge people, if you are in a place dominated by rich people, then you will charge more money, your rent can also determine how you charge.

Step 2: Get a business name and Register your business

You need a unique name that will serve as your brand name.

You might need to register your laundry business with Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C.), this is not compulsory, but it is important, so as not to lose your brand name to another business.

Step 3: Buy all necessary equipment needed to start a laundry business

Your next step is to acquire all the necessary equipment you will need to get your laundry business started. The equipment you buy will

depend on which scale you want to operate on. If you do not have enough money to buy all the equipment you can buy the ones you can and start small.

Step 4: Offer additional services

You can offer additional services apart from washing clothes, such as washing bedspreads, curtains, rugs, carpets, and other household items to boost your profit.

Step 5: Market your business

At this point your business is ready to take off, all you need to do is market your business. This is how you get customers and ultimately maximize your profit.

Step 6: Switch Delivery

Never let your customers run after you before delivering their clothes, make sure you deliver on time.

How to advertise a laundry business

• Use A Sign Post

Put a banner outside your shop to let people know what you do.

• Advertise On Social Media

These days, people spend most of their time on social media, you can use that medium to tell them what you do, by chatting them up and posting on your WhatsApp status, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Word Of Mouth

Tell people you know, urge them to patronize you refer their friends. Some people do not read banners, fliers etc. Therefore, they won’t know what you do until you tell them

Go to offices, churches, schools and inform them of your services.

• Fliers


Print fliers and share in your neighborhood, paste banners around your neighborhood if it’s allowed.

• Offer Promos And Discounts

People love it when you offer them discounts, they tend to patronize you and even refer their friends, offering a discount like 20% off.

• Do home pick up and delivery

You can offer to pick up your customer’s clothes and deliver them after washing. This makes your customers think about you first whenever they need dry

How to Set Up A Low Budget Laundry Business


One good thing about Laundry is that you can start it at the comfort of your home with no capital. if you don’t have the huge capital required for a standard one which usually requires a washing machine and could take hundreds of thousands.

You can go for a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) laundry business. It is called DIY because it deals with the local dry cleaning method, which refers to using hands to wash clothes.

 3 Reasons Why You Should Open A Laundry Shop

1. Good Source of Income

It is a good source of income, especially for students who do not get much money from home can venture into a part-time job.

2. Simple Yet Profitable

The laundry business is one of the simplest businesses to do. It is easy to start a laundry business.  It does not require you to have any license or qualification to get into this business. It’s also very profitable.

Laundry is also very important because the demand will always be there. Its seasonal type of business, it a basic need for people to have clean clothes.

• Helps Takes Stress Off

Most Lagos residents, leave home very early in the morning and return home late at night. It goes like that from Monday to Saturday and Sunday is the only available day.

By going into a laundry business, you help take the stress off these people.


The laundry business is a very profitable business that you can make a lot of money from. You need a good location and good marketing skills, you can make a lot of money from it. Decide the scale you want to start with. Check for More businesses you can easily lay your hands and do.

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Trending Tech Topics On YouTube Today

Technology is the world-building block as it is. The world is developing fast in technology and any country that wants to develop fast must first develop its technology. As requested I have made a list of the most trending tech topics on Youtube that you should get involved in.

Technology is the application of scientific reasoning for practical goals or applications, whether in industry or our everyday lives.

The easiest method of technology is the development and use of basic tools. We look at the most talked-about tech on YouTube.

Trending Tech Topics On YouTube Today

The following are the trending topics:

1.    Gadgets

Samsung Galaxy S22.


The technology-related gadget most searched on YouTube is the Samsung Galaxy S22.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 has up to 256GB of board storage, the connectivity option includes 5G,4G LTE, WI-FI 6E, Bluetooth, and a Type-C port charger.

2.    Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is sometimes called AI. Al is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to perform the task of a human.

Artificial Intelligence is all around us. The biggest impact of AI is when everybody can use it. AI is divided into three parts, which are;

  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  • Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Examples of AI include;

  • Siri
  • E-Payment
  • Google Map
  • Face Recognition
  • Social Media
  • Chatbox
  • Digital Assistance
  • AutoCorrect

3.    Cyber Security


Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the process of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, data, and networks from malicious attacks.

Today’s interconnected world makes the world more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

The global cyberattack continues to rise at a rapid rate while the number of data breaches every year continues to rise.

The most recorded cyber security breaches are of 2021. Global cybersecurity spending as of 2017-2021 statistics.

Types of cyber security

  • Trojan
  • Malware
  • Emotet
  • Man in the Middle
  • Denial of Services
  • Phishing
  • SQL Injection
  • Password Attacks
4.    Cloud services

cloud services


Cloud services are infrastructure, outlets, or software that are hosted by a third-party provider, and made usable to users through the Internet. Cloud services are managed by cloud computing dealers and service providers

There are three main kinds of cloud computing services;

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

Types of cloud computing;

  • Public cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Multi-cloud
5.    HyperAutomation



HyperAutomation is the process of increasing the automation of business processes by introducing Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and other emerging technologies to increase the level of automation and digital transformations in companies.

Benefits of hyper-automation:

  • Amplifies Automation of Work and Automates Processes
  • Fosters Team Collaboration and Improves Productivity
  • Increase Business Agility
  • Improves Employee Engagement and Satisfaction
  • Improves Accessibility To Data and its Storage Mechanisms
  • Augments ROI

More Trending Tech Topics On YouTube

6.    Automobiles



The automobile is a self-propelled passenger vehicle that usually has four wheels and an internal combustion engine used for land transport.

The latest automobiles involve the cars that feel, the self-driven car, Tesla Model X SUV.

7.    Data fabrics

Data fabrics


Data fabric is an architecture and software delivering a unified collection of data assets, databases, and database architecture within an enterprise.

Data fabrics help organizations express the power of data to meet business demands and gain a competitive edge.

It also allows IT firms to better harness the power of the hybrid cloud, build a hybrid multi-cloud experience, and modernize storage through data management.

8.    DARK

DARQ is an acronym for Distributed ledger technology (DLT), artificial intelligence (AI), extended reality(XR), and quantum computing technologies that retain the capacity to help organizations drive improved outcomes.

As a technology enthusiast, one should know the impact these techs can have on the world.

Distributed Ledger Technology: A distributed ledger system is commonly known as the blockchain. The idea of the system is to distribute or decentralize the old central mechanism of storing and transferring data.

Artificial Intelligence: By its name, it indicates intelligence created artificially. This is the same as the previously talked about AI.

Extended Reality: This technology deals with two realities that are created by humans. And they are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Quantum computing: Is computation that is based on the laws of quantum physics. Our devices work on 0 and 1. Each day we will be facing new technologies and also some new problems.

9.   Big data and analytics

Big data and analytics


Data and analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about the information. Data analysis offers researchers reasonable data and better ways to analyze and explore said data.

Types of data analytics:

  • Descriptive Analytics:

Descriptive analytics involves describing or summarizing a set of data.

  • Diagnostics Analytics: Diagnostics analytics is the way of examining data to understand the cause, event, or why something happened. It can also be used to discover the most qualified person for a new position in a company.
  • Predictive Analytics: Businesses use predictive analytics to identify trends, correlations, and causation. It takes data from the past and present to make predictions. It’s further divided into two categories; Predictive Modeling, and Statistics Modeling
  • Prescription Analytics: Prescription Analytics is a kind of data analytics that guides what should happen next. It can also be used in the healthcare sector and oil and gas.

10. 5G network

5G network

5G is the fifth-generation mobile cellular network. Previous generations of wireless technology have used lower frequency bands of spectrum.

It’s designed to boost speed, decrease latency, and boost the flexibility of wireless services. 5G technology has a theoretical peak speed of 20 gigabytes per second, while the peak speed of 4G is only 1 gigabyte per second.

5G will inevitably increase rates for operators as they aim to capture the benefits of using new 5G networks. The 5G network will be deployed in phases over the next several years to accommodate the increasing dependence on mobile and internet-enabled devices.


The world’s technology is growing at a pace and everyone is also moving along with the technology and no one wants to be left behind.

The word technology also refers to the collection of techniques. New technologies are coming and are outshining the old ones.

In the next coming technologies, we might not need to carry gadgets and walk around. They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed. For more Techhub check here

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How to become a doctor in Canada

How to become a doctor in Canada; Canada is known to have one of the best public health care systems in the world, and also provides an excellent education to its citizens.

If you want to become a doctor in Canada, you’ll need to make sure that you follow all the steps and requirements necessary to achieve your goal, from basic information about schools in Canada and their programs, to the estimated cost of studying there, so you can prepare yourself for this change in your life. Continue reading this article and we’ll explain it all.

Choosing your medical school

The first step to becoming a doctor in Canada is choosing the right medical school. But with so many schools to choose from, how do you know which one will be best for you?

Here are some tips for how to choose your Canadian medical school There are over 100 accredited medical schools in Canada. It’s not hard to find what you’re looking for but it can be hard to find what’s actually the best fit for you and your goals.

There are two types of accreditation: self-accredited or government-approved institutions to find. Self-accredited medical schools may not offer as many advantages as government-approved ones because they may not have such rigorous requirements or processes.

Government-approved schools must meet certain standards before being considered an accredited institutions.

They have approval by provincial ministries of education and meet specific requirements that include faculty qualifications, resources, program content, and standards of instruction among other things!

Choosing what degree to study

It can be tough to choose what degree to study. You want to make sure you pick something that you’ll enjoy, but that will also lead to a career you’re passionate about. If you’re interested in becoming a doctor, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, consider what type of doctor you want to be. There are many different specialties, from family medicine to surgery. Once you’ve decided on a specialty, research the schools that offer the best programs for your chosen field.

A good place to start is with an undergraduate degree, such as an MSc or MD (Doctor of Medicine). As well as considering the school’s reputation and ranking, look at factors like cost and program length. Next, apply to a Canadian medical school through their online application process.

The Canadian Medical School Admissions Course (CMSAC) offers information on how to apply and provides detailed explanations of each step along the way.

Applicants typically submit their applications between September 1 and October 15. After submitting an application, all applicants must take part in either the MCAT exam or the LMCCIE-LK exam before January 15 of the year they plan to begin their studies.

Choosing between an MD or DO degree

When it comes to becoming a doctor, there are two main types of degrees: MD and DO. Both MD and DO degrees require four years of medical school followed by a residency program. However, the type of residency program you choose will depend on the type of degree you have. MD programs typically focus on research, while DO programs focus on primary care.

If you’re interested in becoming a doctor, it’s important to research both types of programs to see which is right for you.

The first step is finding out what medical schools offer your desired specialty. Once you’ve found schools that offer your desired specialty, go to their website and check out their information packet. Look at what type of degree they offer as well as their curriculum requirements and length of program.


In conclusion, I hope this blog post has been helpful. There are many ways that you can make your dream of becoming a doctor come true.

These include: going to school for five years and then spending at least three years in residency training; getting your medical degree from an international institution and then practicing medicine for one year before applying for certification through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC); or studying medicine on a part-time basis and then going through formal licensing.

The MCC ensures a standard of safe care for patients across Canada through the assessment of physicians and validation of credentials. Whether planning to practise or already practising medicine in Canada, close to 30,000 students, graduates, and physicians engage with the MCC every year as part of their pathway towards the practice of medicine in Canada. Check out here for more scholarships

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What Affiliate marketing is all about and how to get started

Affiliate marketing is a strategic marketing arrangement whereby individuals affiliate with certain companies of their choice, advertise the company’s products in their unique ways to draw maximum the attention of people towards their products for good sales. If you ever wondered what or want to know what affiliate marketing is about then this article is for you.

Every company produces its products for sales, the higher the sales the more the production. There are thousands of people in different places that have unique and skillful methods of advertising a product for great sales no matter how unimportant that product may seem to be.

But most of them are not opportune to be working directly in the company as one of the staff. For this reason, companies decided to affiliate with third-party publishers to give them what they want and get their talents and abilities to the growth and productivity of their companies.

Once the product the third-party publisher advertises is on sale, the company pays the agreed percentage
without delay.

Affiliate marketing is interesting and unique because Co-ordinated beings can engage themselves in it from their comfort zone without running around in tension of rules and regulations of the company, most especially punctuality and time consciousness that chokes most at times.

All they need to do is to organize their mind, take their time to craft the best attractive advertisement that will suit their product, gain much attention, and have good sales. Once it’s done, they are well assured of their alert.


Becoming an affiliate marketer is very easy when you have the desire, passion, and skills for it. You must know what affiliate marketing is all about, how to join and the new marketing strategies meant for it. This requires proper training with understanding.

These are the steps on how to be an affiliate marketer:

● Know the companies that affiliate the market.
● Choose the company that your mind feels safe with like Amazon Association, DFO Global, eBay
Partner Network, etc.
● Know their products and choose the one you can skillfully advertise more.
● Search on how to sign up for their affiliate program.
● They will give you a special link that enables merchants to track those that clicked your link.
● Advertise your products with your strategic skills, once they buy them, your commission comes to you.


Persistence, they say, is the heart of a business!

There is never a business that starts booming from the first day it started, rather it grows from grace to grace until it flourishes beyond the limit.

Affiliate marketing is an interesting business that gives you self-confidence, wise you up, adds more knowledge to you through experience and other aspects, and still gives you the cash you want.

Once you research and gather more information on how to go with your affiliate market and apply them carefully, it might be as expected at the beginning and might not be as well.

Either of these happens, just know you still have a long way to go so more effort is required of you. First, don’t focus your mind on how much you will be making but on how creative and productive you must be to achieve your goal.

When you give out your best, your effort yields an alarming alert while limited effort becomes less fruitful.
Time is money!
We use the money we have to make more money!

This simply means you utilize your time seriously and as well subscribe to data no matter you’re financial
challenges as a starter.

Once you have what people need and can make it presentable and attractive, be well assured that affiliate marketing will not only give you money but make you great through pay per sale, pay per action, pay per click, etc.


Many companies and websites are experts in affiliate marketing.
They so much regard affiliate marketing that they give bonuses once in a while for attraction.
This draws a lot of attention that makes the sales rate increase massively.
They put so much value on their online marketers that they don’t owe once their payment procedures are reached.
You don’t have any reason to fear or be confused once you are the reason for the steps required and put in your best.

The companies below are some of the best affiliate companies you count on.

Examples of affiliate marketing.

● Shopify
● Healthiest
● Wire cutter
● Buzzfeed
● Amazon
● Website set up
● The points guy
● Safe wise
● Urika
● Headphones
● Globo surf
● VPN mentor
● Runner click
● Best review


There are many ways you can do facilitating marketing and achieve what you want as the day goes by.
Before you start, you have to sit down and ask yourself a verifying question that will assure you of your capability towards the journey.


● You have to choose Affiliate Programs Wisely. Go on the internet and research the different
affiliate programs we have, how they function, and their possible production rate. Then choose
the program you will enjoy doing and give out your best.

● You have to Understand Your Audience. Before you choose an affiliation program to embark on,
you must consider the geographical area and what the people there want.

Every area has different needs, so you have to understand what your audience needs most and make your choice on it. Once you give them what they are looking for, your affiliate company will give you your percentage.

● Being Trustworthy is essential. Don’t strategies on what you know nothing or much about. Make sure you’ve gotten the right information and that they are real.

Your audience will confide in you to buy your product but if there’s a hidden lie under it, be assured that they might tag you to their friends as ” fraudster”. Internet is verse remember!

● Be ready to offer a Bonus. Offering your audience bonuses once in a while motivates them to patronize you. When tested and trusted, they will return countless times with or without the bonus. Bonus attracts them while sincere product retains them.

● Learn different methods of creating a variety of advertisements. Developing your advertisement skills will help you a lot. Don’t depend on a one-way method but be creative and effective.

● Create Great content. Your content marketing must be strategic and tempting. You create great content to attract them, engage and retain them in your market.

Many people are involved in what you are into, so if you don’t share vital articles, attractive, mind capturing videos, and other media then others will take them away.


There is every tendency that you can start your affiliate marketing without money.
It requires your time of learning and the process of growing, which means you will take it one step at a time.

● Choose the area you love best. Make sure the area you choose is an interesting area to you that you can flow with or without help.

● Make sure you concentrate on one and be perfect before thinking of another area to build a solid

● Do perfect research based on the website you chose and their product.
know how they run their affiliate marketing without money and follow their instructions sequentially.

● Do not expect a maximum return at the beginning, be patient and grow your market.

● Appreciate whatever your return starts with and give out your best because a little drop of water makes an ocean.

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Glo Night plan and weekend plan Codes updated 2024

Glo night Plans Here are details on how to subscribe to weekend and Glo night Plans. Read on for Glo USSD Codes and how to subscribe to Glo Night plan and Weekend  Plan code.

What are Glo Night Plans?

The Glo night plan gives Glo users access to the internet at a meager rate. The Glo night plans come with different prices to suit your budget. Subscribers can only use Glo Night Plans from midnight to 5 :00am; it lasts only one night. Whether or not you finish the data, subscribe again to the Glo night plan for another night.

List of Glo Night Plans

The Glo Plan comes with different plans and rates. Classified has tabulated the list of Glo night plans below:

  • N25 for 250MB, valid for 1 day (12am-5am)
  • N50 for 500MB, valid for 1 day (12am-5am)
  • N100 for 1GB valid for 5days (12am-5am)

How to do Glo Night Sub

You must be in haste to know how you can quickly do a Glo Night data right now; follow the instructions below to subscribe or do a Glo Night plan on your phone.

Glo Midnight Plans and their Ussd Subscription Codes

Glo offers 5 different plans for the Glo Night plan, and as stated earlier, there are different plans with different prices to suit your taste or budget.

The Glo N25 night only plan

Glo offers users a Glo night plan that costs only N25. It costs N25 to get 250MB. Users can subscribe to the N25 Glo night plan by following the procedure below:

  1. dial *312#
  2. reply the prompt with 1 – data
  3. select 1 again – Buy data
  4. select 1 or 2 – Autorenewal or one-off
  5. select 7 – weekend plans
  6. select 2 – 500MB Glo night plan

The Glo N50 night only plan

This Glo night plan is also available from 12 am to 5 am and is only durable for one night. It costs N50 for 500MB To subscribe to the N50 Glo night plan:

  1. dial *777#
  2. reply the prompt with 1 – data
  3. select 1 again – Buy data
  4. select 1 or 2 – Autorenewal or one-off
  5. choose 7 – weekend plans
  6. select 1 – 250MB Glo night plan

1GB Glo night only plan

This Glo night plan is only available from 12 am to 5 am but comes with a larger data volume. The good thing about this Glo night plan is the duration. The 1GB Glo night plan lasts for 5 days, so you don’t have to be in a rush.You can get 1GB for the Glo night plan by sending 60 to 127 or dialing *321*31# You can also follow the process below to subscribe to the Glo 1GB Night Plan:

  1. dial *777#
  2. reply the prompt with 1 – data
  3. select 1 again – Buy data
  4. select 1 or 2 – Autorenewal or one-off
  5. select 7 – weekend plans
  6. select 3 – 1GB Glo night plan.

The Glo TGIF weekend and Night Subcription

The Glo TGIF weekend plans cost N200 or N500 only and can last throughout the weekend, So if you are an office worker, buying this Glo night data plan may be the best way to spend your weekend.

  • N200 for 1.25GB (Sunday-only plan)
  • N500 for 3GB (Saturday to Sunday plan)

The 1.25GB Glo night and weekend sub

Glo rolled out the 1.25GB night and weekend plan to make data more affordable for its customers. Subscribers can only use the Glo night plan on Sundays from midnight to 11:59 am same Sunday.The 1.25GB Glo night plan costs N200 only.If you want to subscribe to the 1.25GB Glo Night and weekend plan, follow the instruction below:

  1. dial *777#
  2. reply the prompt with 1 – data
  3. select 1 again – Buy data
  4. select 1 or 2 – Auto renewal or one-off
  5. select 7 – weekend plans
  6. select 4 – 1.25GB Glo night plan

Glo Night and Weekend Data Subscriptions, 3GB for N500

Glo Nigeria offers one of the very best internet plans for night browsing. Another type of Glo night plan provides a

  • 24 hours night plan
  • weekend and
  • 5-night data plans.

The validity period for this Glo night plan is 7 days. Subscribers can access the 3GB Glo night and weekend plan anytime (midnight on Saturday – 11:59 PM on Sunday) but works only from 12 AM – 5 AM on weekdays (Monday – Friday). I hope we didn’t confuse you there? The above statement means that the 3GB Glo night can be used at any hour of the day when it’s weekend; the weekend starts from midnight Saturday till 11:59 PM Sunday. The 3GB Glo night plan can also be used on weekdays from midnight to 5 AM. The above Glo night plan is a weekend and night plan, and it comes with a 7 days duration or validity. With the above Glo night plan, you get 3GB of data for just 500 naira only.

To buy this Glo night plan, text 61 to 127 or dial *321*31# or follow the process below:

  1. dial *777#
  2. reply the prompt with 1 – data
  3. select 1 again – Buy data
  4. select 1 or 2 – Autorenewal or one-off
  5. select 7 – weekend plans
  6. select 5 – 3GB Glo night and weekend plan

How to Check Glo Night Sub Balance

Globacom has delivered an easy way of checking your Glo data balance for any of their plans. You can check your Glo night plan by dialling *312*0# or Sending INFO to 127.You can also use the following process to check your Glo data balance:

  • Dial *777#,
  • select 3G or 4G data plans
  • then select 4 – Manage Data and
  • finally 4 – Check Balance

Any of the above-stated steps will assist you in checking your Glo data balance free of charge.

How to Cancel Glo Night Plan?

The Glo night plan does not auto-renew. However, you can easily cancel any Glo auto-renewal plan by sending CANCEL to 127.

Cheap Glo Tariff Plans and their Migration Code

Generally, there are two types of tariffs used by the telecommunication network. These tariffs are the known systems or plans devised by the telecommunication networks to charge their customers.

Glo USSD Tarrif Migration Code
Glo Tariff PlansMigration Codes
Glo 11k/s Prepaid Plan*211#
Glo Jollific8*123*PIN#
Glo Infinito*100*9*2#
Glo G-BAM*100*5*1#
GLO bumpa bonus*100*10*1#
GLO Twin Bash*223*PIN#
Glo Yakata*220#
Glo Bounce*170*4#
Glo Free Tomorrow*300#
Glo Generation G*170*5#
Glo Formula*323*PIN#
Glo IDD Packs*777#
Glo BiiGy Packs*170*1#
Glo Jolof N25*0805*25#
Glo Jolof N50*0805*50#
Glo Flexi*123*PIN#

So the tariff plan you choose will determine how much and how Glo will bill you. The two types of the tariff system are:

  • Prepaid (charged before use) and
  • postpaid (charged after use)

To choose a suitable Glo tariff plan, check and read the above table thank you.

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How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria

How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria:

Snail farming is one of the most lucrative Agricultural businesses to engage in. It’s very profitable and not yet competitive as many farmers do not like to engage in it because they usually think is a difficult business to start.

If you have ever thought about starting a snail farming business and you do not know how to go about it, you’re in the right place just make sure you read this article till the end as I will be sharing with you all that you need to know about starting a snail farming business.

How does it Cost To Start Snail farming Business in Nigeria?

I know that one of the things that might have crossed your mind is the amount of money needed to start your snail farming business up and running.

One thing you should know is that the Snail farming business is not capital Intensive. Due to the ‘crawling nature’ of snails, a snail farm needs not be elaborate, hence; it can be built from the material you have around your house.

The amount needs to start your snail farm depends on how big you want your farm to be you can choose to start a small scale, medium scale, or large scale farm.

With a hundred thousand naira (N100,000 – 150000 Naira) only, you can begin a medium-scale snail farm that could gross in five times your initial investment.

Why Starting Snail Farm?

You may not totally agree with me that the snail farming business is very profitable. But the truth is that the demand for snails in Nigeria and in Africa is huge but grossly underrated.

Snails are a huge part of the diet in many parts of Africa, although they are not always affordable and available all year round. If you rear snail in commercial quantities, hotels, and fast-food restaurants, private individuals will be your regular customers.

For many years now, snails handpicked from the farm or bush have been the only way to get snails to the market and dinner table. Currently, the demand for snail is higher than the supplies, an indication that the market potential of snail is inexhaustible, locally and internationally.

Starting both small and large-scale snail farming businesses is the only way to fill up the spaces between the demand for snail and its supply in Africa.

How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria

If you have finally made up your mind to start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria, here are some of the steps that you have to follow. Please ensure that you are very serious about it. As this is a business that can take you away from the trenches.

  1. Decide which species of snail to farm
  2. Set up your farmland for housing
  3. Purchase your snails
  4. Feeding and rearing of the snails
  5. Harvesting and selling of the snails
  • Decide which species of snail to farm

When creating a snail farm one of the first major factors that you need to consider is the species of snail to farm.  Research has shown that snail species such as Achatina achatina are the best for warm climate regions like Africa.

  • Set up your farmland for housing

Building snail housing is one of the most difficult tasks in starting a Snail business. Once you have solved the issue of housing you are good to go. Remember that snail housing must have enough space for your snails to graze freely.

Not having enough farm space for your snailery impedes the development of snails and therefore should be avoided. A well-spaced snail housing reduces the risk of disease outbreaks caused by overcrowding.

You should keep in mind that snail is good at escaping from where they are kept, so you should construct escape-proof housing. You can use a pen house that will be spacious and accessible with a soil depth of 10 inches and trees around it.

  • Purchase your snails

After you have considered the type of species of snail to farm and have built your farmhouse the next thing is to go ahead and purchase your snail.

You can buy quality snails from the market or any farm. It’s always best to be able to examine the snails before you buy them so that you know they are healthy.

I suggest you link up with someone that is already involved in the business so that he will guide you properly on where to get a good quality snail.

More Tips Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria

  • Feeding and rearing of the snails

Let’s assume that you have purchased your snails successfully the next thing to do is to provide good feedings for your snails.

Snails are vegetarians and can be fed with a wide variety of foods such as cabbage, cucumber, mango, banana, eggplant, pear, tomato and paw-paw, cassava, okra leaves, or lettuce. However, you can as well feed snails with pineapple, banana, or paw paw.

  •  Mating and laying eggs are a vital part of snail farming.

Typically, mating occurs during spring and summer. As hermaphrodites, snails can fertilize each other as soon as they are mature enough. In order for the egg-laying to go over smoothly, you should use high-quality soil with the right temperature and humidity.

  • Harvesting and selling of the snails

It is not a good decision to harvest your snails before it’s maturity, it has to be mature before harvesting.

If you must succeed in this business do not harvest all the matured snails at once to sell in the market. It is important to keep few for breeding and to serve as base stock for your snail farm.

Snail has good market demand and price. You can easily sell the snails in the local market. The snail meat consumption rate is growing very fast around the globe. So, exporting to the international market can make you more money.

Conclusively, if you have done a proper market surveyor you will understand that snail farm is a very lucrative business idea and you have to get started immediately. Do not procrastinate about it. The good thing about is that it does not require 100 percent of your time and the market is always there for you. No competition at all.

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Excelsior Scholarship For International Students

This is one of the most popular scholarships offered by the City of New York in America. This scholarship aims to enable students to attend universities, especially those who cannot afford the tuition fees. 

In this article, we will discuss extensively excelsior scholarship application procedures, benefits, eligibility requirements, and how to apply and get accepted to this profound university.

Overview Of Excelsior scholarship

This is one of the best and most unique types of scholarship offered in the country. 

This scholarship aims to address the high cost of college education and reduce the rate at which students take loans from banks.  Excelsior scholarship is open to all citizens of the country and the same for international students. 

Furthermore, recipients of this scholarship award are expected to have a family income of up to 125,000 dollars. 

Another important factor to note is that those who succeeded in winning the scholarship must agree to live in New York and not live, get employed, or work in any other state until the end of their course duration.

Application Process And Requirements

This scholarship application opens annually. This means you can always apply yearly and reapply if you aren’t given. Some of the requirements are; 

  • The student that is a resident of New York must apply for the scholarship through HESC. 
  • For those who have graduated from high school outside of America and wish to study at this university, you must meet the requirements of what I’d called “Ability To Benefit” before the end of 21 days of the semester. For more information, you can contact the office of evaluation and testing, which is located at the Willie administration building in New York City. 
  • In addition, students are to file a FAFSA and TAP application form before filling out the one for the excelsior scholarship. 
  • Applicants and interested students are you enroll in at least 12 credits per term and must complete at least 30 credits each year, and the two of them must be successful and must be applied towards the end of their degree program. 
  • The scholarship aid student receives up to $2750 per semester per each student. 
  • The cost of other expenses is reduced for students who have been awarded this scholarship to enable study and complete their degrees. 
  • Another notable thing is that applicants must be residents of New York City till the completion of their degree program. 
  • Failure to meet any of the above-stipulated requirements will lead to the automatic disqualification of your application process, and you will have to reapply next year. In case you need further information and clarification, feel free to message the above site www.hesc.ny.gov 
  • Current recipients of this scholarship do not need to complete the 2023 application process.

To complete your application process, you will need 

  • The first thing you need to do is to complete the 2022-2023 Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA) and another application called the Tuition Assistance Program application (TAP) application. These two forms are a must if you must be considered for the scholarship.
  • Next is for you to apply for the New York Excelsior Scholarship through HESC at www.hesc.ny.gov/excelsior 
  • Provide complete copies of your tax income returns, which you and your parents or guardians must file.
  • You must upload all the required college transcripts and other important documents called Student Aid report. 
  • You can apply and indicate your area of disability if you have any. This is to enable the institution to know how to treat you.

What Are The General Requirements Of Excelsior Scholarship For All Categories Of Students

For you to apply and get accepted, irrespective of where you are from, a  and you need to fulfill the requirements below; 

  • The first and foremost requirement is to be a city resident and have been living there for 12 months before your application process.
  • You must be a United States citizen or be an eligible non-citizen. What this means is that you must have graduated from a high school that is located in the United States, gotten a good diploma in the country, or passed a major international examination in the country. 
  • You must be pursuing at least 12 credits per term and complete before the year runs out 30 credits which are applied before the end of the degree program
  • It would be best if you were a non-default status on a Student loan made by the NYS loan program or on the repayment of any NYS. 
  • You must comply with the terms of condition that is imposed by an NYS award that you have received in the past.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are CEP (Continuing Education Program)students eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship? 

The answer is yes; CEO students are eligible for the excelsior scholarship application. 

The necessary condition is for them to maintain full-time enrollment and completion of 30 credits before the end of each degree year before the application for the scholarship.

How Can One Maintain Their Eligibility?

You can easily maintain your scholarship and eligibility if you enroll for the scholarship full-time and if you complete the 30 credits towards the end of your degree program in each academic year. 

Any student who does not complete the 39 credits per year is automatically disqualified, and if the scholarship is given, they are meant to forfeit the scholarship.

How Long Can I receive the excelsior scholarship

You’re only eligible to receive the excelsior student scholarship for a period of 2 years, but this is exclusively for students that are pursuing an associate’s degree and up to 4 years for students that are pursuing a bachelor’s degree. 

However, students in an undergraduate program that requires five years are eligible for an award of 5 years. 

Can I get the excelsior scholarship award if I’m a transfer student? 

Only students that transferred between colleges are eligible for the excelsior scholarship, but this is only applicable if and when they do not have a break in their enrollment. And they must be on track to complete their associate’s degree in two years.

What are some of the benefits of this scholarship?

One of the most popular and notable benefits is free tuition fee, free accommodation fee, and free application fee; these are some of the benefits. 

In addition to these, you are given stipends every month to enable you to cater to your petty expenses. These above are some of the reasons why so many students rush this scholarship yearly.

Bottom Line 

Excelsior scholarship is the dream of every student. It is relatively competitive and depends much on merits. 

We have laid bare the guidelines on how to apply for this scholarship. Feel free to share your thoughts and ask questions in the comments section. Check here for More Scholarships


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