Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

How To Monetize Twitter Space

Twitter is one of the known social media sites that provide access for communication and interaction of family, friends, loved ones, and co-workers. It’s best known as a microblog that helps people to share news and other information and has thousands of people to read it. Learn how to monetize twitter space. It provides connecting services for connectivity, sharing ideas, pictures, videos, and links among themselves and their audience.

How To Monetize Twitter Space

Twitter is used in making money through different means that includes:

  • It can also be used to advertise personal products and services for sales, affiliate marketing, selling of sponsored tweets, etc.
  • Twitter has tons of new features. One of the features is the ability to monetize tweets and videos.

To have access to the creator studio, visit the media studio and apply.

If you are eligible, all you have to do is to arrange a couple of settings, like the kind of ads you will be shown with your content. With this, you will always get paid whenever they roll before your video or tweets. This makes life easy for Twitter users!

Twitter making money is not stressful, but you need great ideas to convince your audience, and let them know the importance of your content.

If you can convince them with your expertise words and they click the link, your product will go on sale.


Spaces on Twitter is a medium for having live audio conversations on Twitter. Spaces are short live audio conversations on Twitter.

It’s great if you join and speak in people’s space to create awareness first before starting your own.


I know you have a big fan that you follow, celebrate, and want to be like, if not you won’t be able to join the space twitter of that person.

The following helps you join your space host.

  • Indicate a purple Space indicator at the top of your timeline.
  • Tap on it.
  • Click Join this space’
  • They will give you the option to join as a listener or speaker.
  • Start as a listener or
  • Convince the host to approve your speech request before you can speak in Space.

How You Can Host Your Own Space On Twitter

One of the reasons why you are advised to follow someone’s space as a listener and as well speak in space before opening yours is for awareness’ sake. But you are not limited to that.

You can open your Twitter account and create a Twitter space without following anyone whether you are a celebrity or not.


  • Open your Twitter account
  • Click the ‘+’ floating button by the bottom right
  • Select ‘Spaces’ from the options given.
  • They will ask you to name the Space.
  • Use a relevant name for the discussion.
  • Click ‘Start your space’.
  • Then go ahead to Configure Spaces.
  • Click on the mic button at the bottom left.
  • Click the three horizontal dots menu
  • Select ‘Adjust settings’ to enable or view captions.
  • Click the arrow above to minimize the Space.
  • Scroll through your feed while listening to a Space session.


Since Twitter is a social media.

Many on Twitter who wish to follow you, can join your Space without limitation.

You don’t need several followers before you can start space or a limited number of people that can follow you.

The only place of limit we have in Twitter Space is based on those that can speak in the space.

According to Twitter,  Up to 13 can speak in Space. The host plus 12 others are only allowed to speak simultaneously in a Space while hundreds and thousands of your followers can join you.

The more you’re famous, the more your followers increase, the more they increase, the higher you have chances of more sales.


Allowing the audience to see and listen to you on Space will help you to go viral than expected.

People need to meet you on social media, know you, listen to you, and understand the stuff you are made of.

This will make those that appreciate who you are go crazy about everything concerning you and even advertise you or your products elsewhere.

The steps include:

  • Click profile photo at the top left menu.
  • Go to Settings and privacy.
  • Go to privacy and safety under the setting
  • Go to Spaces
  • Click “on” to allow followers to see and listen to you.
  • Turn off when you wish to.


There are many methods one can use to achieve getting people to follow them on Twitter.

Many people will be willing to honor your twitter invitation especially when you have what they want.

You can invite people to your contact list.

The easiest way to get followers is by following someone in Space first.

Those that are familiar with you over there will be free to follow you in your space.

This will make you famous as well as increase you.

How you can invite people to join your Twitter includes:

The steps are as follows:

  • Go to Twitter sign up page and tap the Twitter sign up URL
  • Copy the URL by double click I
  • Select the platform you want to invite people from, it can be Facebook, email, Gmail, contact list, especially when the person does not have Twitter.
  • Paste the URL you have chosen
  • Send your invitation to them


Twitter Is a global platform that helps people to come in contact with large audiences and make them popular in life.

It’s also one of the platforms where you can market your business, meet your celebrity, can also have access to join music studios, and a lot more.

This social media made it possible for you to have as many audiences as you wish without limitation.

All you need to do is be creative while putting up your profile because what attracts people first is your picture and capturing your words.

Your unique profile words and attractive pictures interest people to meet you and celebrate you as they follow your Space.

Through this guidance, follow the steps sequentially and get a huge result without delay.

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How To Create A Gmail Account 2024

How To Create A Gmail Account: Hello you want to learn how to create a Gmail account in 2024? You will love my guide on this article, because is a simple guide on how you can successfully create a Gmail account with a phone number and username of your choice.

I will do a Gmail Review, Gmail Login and how to create a Gmail account with phone number.

Gmail Review

Gmail just like other webmail services such as yahoo mail, zoho mail and Hotmail etc. is a free email service provided by Google With over 1.5 billion active users worldwide as of 2019. It supports web browser and the official mobile App. it was launched in 2004, to provide a storage capacity of one gigabyte per user which is higher than any other web mail services.

Gmail have a couple of great features you may not found elsewhere, one of it good side is that it is free to use and to create an account on Gmail is absolutely free.

Gmail Features

  • Storage
  • Interface
  • Spam filter
  • Gmail Labs
  • Search button
  • Multiple Language support
  • Good platforms

The above listed is the great Gmail features and just by creating an account which I’m going to show you below this article you can use all this features for free.

How To Create A Gmail Account

Guide 1: Visit the Gmail account official website @

Guide 2: Click on the Create Account link

Guide 3: You will be required to enter your first name, last name, username, password then confirm your password

Guide 4: Go to Next link

Guide 5: Enter your mobile phone number, Your recovery email if any (optional)

Guide 6: Choose your date of birth, your gender

Guide 7: Click on “Create Account” Your registration will be successful.

Gmail Login

Another thing you will find yourself doing is Gmail login, and that is a simple one, follow the steps below and login on Gmail account.

Guide 1: Visit the Gmail account official website @

Guide 2: Click on the Login link

Guide 3: You will be required to enter your email address and password

Guide 4: Then click on the Submit  link and you will be done.

Creating A Gmail Account Without Phone Number

Guide 1: Visit the Gmail center to create account without phone number
Guide 2: Enter your first and last name.
Guide 3: Create your email by typing whatever you wish before
Guide 4: Enter your new password and confirm it.
Guide 5: Click Next.
Guide 6: Enter your birthday. Then click on create an account

Does Gmail Have Premium Membership Subscription?

A lot of persons asked this questions because of the Gmail great features because many online services do not offers most of it great features for free.

Fortunately, Gmail offers it great features for free and there is no premium member on Gmail. With a single Gmail account you create for free, You will be entitled to so many Gmail account products such as the Google Zoom, Hangouts, Google search Console, Google Adsense, Youtube etc Popularly called all in one features.

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How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs

How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs

This Article is  how to write a Professional CV format for job in the UK and possibly interview tips as well. There’s a profile where  where you write something short about yourself and then why you think you’re a good fit for t he job. Make sure that one is also power-packed as well. Let me mention this. Don’t use too much CV clichés. Like, I’m a compassionate person, team worker. Those ones are things that everybody will use. We talked about something very important Recently, I know that so many people are interested in moving to the UK, especially with the healthcare assistants that was newly introduced and added to the shortage occupation list. Many people have been asking about how to write a perfect CV to appeal to employers and possible interview questions. We know that CV is the first contact an employer sees, so they have to be impressed with your CV before you can even move to the interview part. We know that CV is very important. How important is CV in giving you a chance in getting a job in the UK? Like you rightly said, it’s like your first impression. You have to impress your prospective employer, and then the only way you can do so to be able to land an interview is by having a good CV. It’s very, very important because if you don’t pass that stage, you might not even get granted an interview for you to prove yourself that you’re qualified. It’s just a way of selling yourself to the employer to show that you are really qualified and you can do the job that’s been advertised, so they should give you the opportunity. It’s really, really important. It’s like a big deal It’s really important.

Important Tips when writing A professional CV

It’s just the basic things. Obviously, you need your Personal Details. Your Personal Details include your Name, your address, your Email Address, and then your Mobile Number or Contact Number on  How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs Then over here, let me just say that your email address should be a professional one. If you have something like maybe SLAY QUEEN@GMAIL.COM or BUBBYSEXY@GMAIL.COM at whatever, it doesn’t make you look serious. You should get something that’s probably just your name or something close to just your name, maybe your first name and then you’re

How To Create A Professional Email Address

So if you don’t have a professional looking email address, it’s easy. Just create one and then your number. And then let me just say that your number as well, because it’s an international application, you should just add your country’s code. If your name is queen or beauty then the professional email should be or u add a something to the queen like to make it unique on How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs

Reason To Make Your CV Attractive To Employer

Personal details, then your profile or your objective, like something brief about yourself, or why you think you are a good fit for the job, and then your employment history, your education history, your skills that you have, references if you have achievements. Sometimes some people can add hobbies or interest. If you think adding that can increase your chances of getting the job, you can add your hobbies or interest as well. It’s basically just that, and then you’re set to achieve a part, like just these things, these sections here.

Method to Arrange CV

Is there a particular way that it should be arranged? How should someone without a health degree or background arrange their CV to be attractive to employers in the UK? We’re talking about care work now. Though it could also translate to other fields, but let’s focus more on care work because that’s the raining thing right now. That’s what everybody really wants to grab. If people want to grab this opportunity. How should someone without a health background arrange his or her CV to be appealing to employers?

Maximum  Pages A CV Should look like

I mentioned education history and then employment history as well. Normally, I would advise that your CV is just maximum two pages, two A4 size sheets, two pages, just that. Then make sure that the first page is power pack and is selling you well. Let me just say that… If, let’s say, you did, let’s say, any health-related course in school, you can start your CV with your education history, where you can now mention that course so that that will be at the beginning, so that that is likely to catch the eye of the recruiter when they are skimming through. Start with the ones that tell you more. If it’s something that you did, let’s say a course that you did, start with that one. You can arrange a base on what you think will sell you more. you can even start volunteering now in any clinic or whatever, let’s say once a week or whatever, and you still have the rights to put it there because you’ve actually done it.

What make First Page Of Your CV  Important On How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs

You can now start with that one because you don’t have any health background, you don’t have any experience, so you are likely to put the employer up. But you can now start with the experience and then mention the volunteering stuff you’re doing now, because that’s the one that relates to the job you are applying for, and that’s the one that will catch the eye of the recruiter. You understand? You just start with the things that sell you best.

What Experience Can Do in How to Write A Professional CV Format For Jobs

If it’s your education that you think is what would impress the employer, start with your education, if it’s that one. Just make sure that you are packing the first page is power-packed or the first few things that the employer sees are power-packed, you understand? So that it will catch their eye and then they can. But if you start with the not so impressive stuff, they may just drop your CV and then go to the next one. So, impress them from the very beginning. So in essence, the first page of our CV is very important. Don’t make your CV a cliché. Use things that make you stand out. You know yourself. You know that there are things that make you stand out. Everybody’s going to write hardworking, everybody’s going to write team worker, but make sure that they are not so abstract. You understand? Then you can follow up with whether your education or your employment history are good. check out for jobs in Canada 

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Easy Everyday Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

Why do we need brain exercises that boost memory when the human brain’s memory capacity has been estimated to be 2.5 petabytes.

A “petabyte” is equal to 1024 terabytes or a million gigabytes of digital memory, meaning the average adult human brain can hold the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory.

Everybody forgets stuff from time to time. How many times have you misplaced your car keys or forgotten a new acquaintance’s name?

In this article

  • Reasons we forget
  • Can memory be improved?
  • What kind of mental exercise is the most beneficial?
  • Some Other helpful exercise that boosts memory
  • Final Note

Scientists tell us that the most advanced item in the known universe is your brain.

At any given time, millions of messages are rushing through your nervous system, allowing your brain to receive, process, and retain information, as well as send orders throughout your body.

Reasons we forget

So why do we often run into problems when trying to remember stuff? So before we dive into brain exercises that boost memory, let’s explore an l why we According to studies, 56 percent of information is forgotten after an hour, After one day, 66 percent, and after six days, 75 percent.

Every time a new theory is developed, a memory trace is created, according to this theory. These memory traces, according to the decay theory, weaken and vanish over time. It will eventually be lost if the information is not retrieved and practiced.

  • Interference:

Interference is a phenomenon that causes people to forget things. Some memories fight for attention and hinder the recall of others.

When information is comparable to previously stored in memory, interference is more likely to occur.

  • Not storing:

Losing information sometimes has less to do with forgetting and more to do with the fact that it was never stored in long-term memory, to begin with.

  • Forgetting with a Purpose:

We may try to forget memories, especially those of painful or distressing events or experiences, on occasion. Because painful memories can be uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing, we may want to eliminate them.

  • Not having enough sleep:

Because sleep is so necessary for memory consolidation, not getting enough of it might be detrimental to your memory.

Can memory be improved?

A resounding of course, our memory is a skill that may be developed with practice and good general habits, just like any other skill.

You can begin with simple steps. Pick a new demanding activity to learn, exercise for a few minutes each day, stick to a sleep routine, and eat more green vegetables, fish, and nuts, for example.

What kind of mental exercise is the most beneficial?

Now to the main focus of this article which is brain exercises to boost memory.

You may keep your mind and memory fresh by doing brain exercises in addition to adopting good lifestyle practices like eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to do so; who says you can’t even have so much fun while doing them. Let’s move forward with the list of brain exercises that boost memory.

  1. Do the numbers:

When it comes to improving your cognitive abilities, numeracy is essential, helping to boost logical thinking. Try this brain activity; it’s pretty popular.

Adding three and subtracting 7. ” Choose any three-digit number and add 3 to 3 three times. Then deduct seven from it seven different times from the new number.

To give you more clarity, here is an example: Choose 50, add 3 three times, then subtract 7 seven times? What did you get? Did you arrive at 10?

Repeat this process at least five times more, each time selecting a different three-digit number. You can also start with a 4-digit number and utilize an additional amount of variables.

  1. Try recalling:

Make a list of everything you need – groceries, to-do items, or anything else that comes to mind — and memorize it. See how many things you can recall after one hour. To get the most mental stimulation, make a list as tricky as possible.

  1. Make a word image:

Visualize a word’s spelling in your mind, then try to develop additional terms that start (or end) with the same two letters.

  1. Put your taste buds to the test:

Try to identify individual ingredients in your food, including delicate herbs and spices, while you’re eating.

  1. Don’t go straight to Google:

The Google effect, also known as digital amnesia, tends to forget information that is easily accessible via search engines such as Google. We do not commit this information to memory because it is readily available online.

  1. Learning a foreign language is a great way to broaden your horizons:

The brain is stimulated by the listening and hearing involved.

An extensive vocabulary has also been linked to a lower incidence of cognitive deterioration.

  1. Before going to bed, stay away from bright screens:

Blue light from cell phones, televisions, and computers suppresses melatonin production, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). The asleep process that isn’t well-regulated can significantly impact sleep quality.

If we don’t get enough sleep or relax, our brain’s neurons become overworked.

They can’t coordinate information anymore, making memory retrieval more difficult. Allow your brain to unwind by turning off your devices approximately an hour before bedtime.

Some Other helpful Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

  • Learn something new
  • Stay organized
  • Follow a sleep pattern
  • Watch what you eat
  • Manage stress
  • socialize
  • Get physical

A Final Note on Brain Exercises That Boost Memory

What causes some people’s memories to deteriorate while others remain as sharp as a tack? Choices, as much as genes, play an influence.

Following a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check are proven ways to maintain a memory.

It’s also crucial to have a mentally active lifestyle. Brain exercise, like physical exercise, helps maintain mental skills and memory in shape.

Your brain is capable of far more than you may realize. Take a moment to ponder all of the things that humans have created.

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How To Create Facebook Group Page

How To Create Facebook Group Page-I will guide on how you can create a Facebook group page on this online tutorial. Before we go on the steps on how you can create a Facebook business page, understand that creating a Facebook business page and creating a Facebook group page are two different thing. When you understands the two different you will appreciate it better.

When you create a Facebook group page yourself from your Facebook account in order to become the admin of that group, when you create the group and becomes an admin, you will have a full control of the group, you can share any commercial or business packages to the group members, you can add or reject request sent by members, approve post that is made by members on the group and you can as well remove a member.

Meanwhile, which ever kind of group you want to have, be it any business group page, news group page, prayer/church, seminar or tutorials group just know that the steps to create a Facebook group page of any kind are all same and you can follow the steps below.

How To Create Facebook Group

In order to create a Facebook group page of any kind, you have to sign in on your Facebook account, because is through your Facebook account that you can create a group, you cannot create a group outside your Facebook profile account.

  1. Tap on on your phone or mobile phone number
  2. on the Facebook sign in homepage, enter your username and password, then click on “Login” and your right there on your Facebook account.
  3. After you sign in your account, click on the “Create” in the top right side of your Facebook homepage and select group.
  4. Then enter the name you wish to use on the group, add group members using their names or email addresses, choose the group privacy setting.

When your done with the above steps your Facebook group will be done and you can start adding group members and making more persons admin to enable them add more group members.

How To Create A Facebook Account

If you are yet to have a Facebook account, you need to create one for yourself, so you can be able to create a Facebook group page. Follow the steps below and create your account.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the “Create A New Account” link
How To Create Facebook Group Page
How To Create Facebook Group Page


3.Enter your first name, surname, mobile number or email address, New password, date of birth, gender.


4. Then click on “Sign up” by clicking sign up, you agree to our terms, data policy and cookie policy.

There are more things Facebook account can offer you, you can use Facebook business ads manager account to promote your business, Facebook personal profile to chat and meet new people all over the world and more.

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Healthcare job interview questions (and how to answer them correctly)

Summary and Tips on Healthcare job interview 

In this Article I will teach you how to pass a Healthcare job interview questions (and how to answer them correctly). If you are applying to become a care assistant with any healthcare organization whatsoever, make sure you follow the steps by steps tips as we continue. Firstly, I will give you a list of care assistant interview questions I strongly recommend you prepare for. These questions come up all the time during care assistant interviews. secondly will give you two very important tips for answering each of those interview questions to get the highest scores achievable. thirdly, I will then give an example answer to each care assistant interview question to help you pass. And then finally will let you know how thousands of you, and I mean thousands of you are passing your job interviews at the first attempt.

How the interview Question look like

So, the first care assistant interview question I want you to prepare for is tell me about yourself. Here’s my first tip. So, this is going to be the first interview question you must answer. I recommend you practice your response until you know it off by heart because this then ensures your interview gets off to a positive start and it also demonstrates you have really good communication skills. Tip number two, in your answer, demonstrate you have the skills and qualities needed to Excel in the role and provide excellent care to meet the needs of the patients or clients you are responsible for as a care assistant. So here’s my top scoring example to help you pass your interview.

Question 1 For Healthcare job interview questions (and how to answer them correctly)

Question: Tell me about yourself. Here we go.

Answer: Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this care assistant position with your organization today. I would describe myself as a hard worker, conscientious, empathetic, diligent, and loyal care assistant who can be relied upon to follow rules and procedures, provide client-centered care, and carry out all work safely. In my last role, the care manager often praised me for my flexibility and the fact I would act as a positive role model for junior care assistants who joined the team. Outside of work, I keep myself fit and active, so my concentration and energy levels are always high.

Now, if you employ me as a care assistant, I will ensure I adhere to your organizational values and take good care of the clients I am responsible for. So that’s a really good answer. It’s a positive and confident answer to that first care assistant interview question.

Question 2 For Healthcare job interview questions (and how to answer them correctly)

Question: Why do you want to be a care assistant? Here’s two tips before I give you that powerful answer. Tip number one. Now, the job of a care assistant is, as you know, physically and emotionally demanding. It is not a job for everyone. So, this question is assessing your motivations for wanting to be a care assistant. Tip number two. Now, positive reasons to including your answer are the fact the job can be very rewarding. There will always be for good and competent care assistants, and no two days are ever the same. Here’s my top scoring response to assist you. Why do you want to be a care assistant?

Answer: I want to be a care assistant because it is a role that is highly rewarding. It is the perfect job for my personality and skill set because I genuinely care about other people. I am a people person and I like to see the results of my work. I also want to be a care assistant because no two days are ever the same, you are not desk bound and you get to meet and care for interesting people with different life experiences. Now, being a good care assistant means you will always have employment. And because job security is really important to me, it is a profession I want to be in for the long term. That’s another really good answer that will put you ahead of the competition at your care assistant interview.

Question 3 for Healthcare job interview questions (and how to answer them correctly)

But here’s the next question I want you to prepare for.

Question: What are the most important skills and qualities needed to be a care assistant? Now this next common care assistant interview question is assessing your understanding of the role and what is included in the job description. Make sure you read the job description before you attend your interview. Tip number two, don’t forget to mention the skills of being safety conscious, adhering and following all rules and procedures, and respect and dignity for your patients and clients. Here’s a brilliant top scoring answer. What are the most important skills and qualities needed to be a care assistant?

Answer: Here we go. Being safety conscious, providing first class patient care, and following all rules and procedures are at the top of the list for being a competent care assistant. Other skills and qualities include having respect and dignity for your patients and clients and being able to communicate in a style that is understood. You must have patience, empathy and understanding, and hold a genuine passion for taking care of people to meet their needs.

Finally, you must be commercially aware, possess excellent planning, organizing and prioritizing skills, and be a supportive team worker. That’s a really good answer for you to build on. If you want to add another skills and qualities to that response, please feel free to do so.

Question 4 for care Assistant Interview

Question: How do you build communication with a new patient or client? This is a difficult one. Tip number one. So, your ability to make your patients or clients feel at ease will be fundamental to your success in the role of a care assistant. So, this question is assessing your interpersonal and communication skills. Tip number two. Now, if you are an experienced care assistant, you could give an example of when you have built communication with a new client or patient in the past to prove you already have competence in this important, accessible area. Here’s my top scoring example answer. How do you build with a new patient or client? Here we go.

Answer: I start with a warm and friendly welcome and being positive in my communication style and tone. After the initial introduction and I’ve had the chance to find out a little bit about them, their background, and what motivates them, I will start to assess the client’s vulnerabilities and needs. I will achieve this by asking them a series of easy to answer questions. Now, while the client is talking, I will demonstrate active listening skills to show them that I genuinely care and that I want to provide the right support moving forward.

All of my actions will be focused on building rapport and trust. Now, once I know my client’s needs and routines, I will discuss their care plan, what I will do to assist them moving forward, and generally make them feel secure, supported, and reassured. That’s a great answer for you to use in your care assistant interview.

Question 5 For Care Assistant Interview

Question: Here’s the next question I recommend you prepare for. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure,

ANSWER: So as a care assistant, I must manage workload, work to strict timescales, and remain calm under pressure.

Conclusion: I believe with this Questions and Answers Given Above you can now Apply for Care Assistant jobs comfortably and expect to be called for the job

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Time Management - 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

Time management: Time flies always. That makes time a variable that can be hard to control and monitor. And once time has slipped away, you never get it back. For companies, time lost equals dollars lost.

In a workplace where professionals and employees are selected based on their performance and input at the time specified, It’s an ideal moment to impart to them how to manage their time.

Why? They’ll not only be able to keep more track of their time but will also be able to keep track of their progress in projects and help contribute to the company’s growth.

Time Management – 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

Being aware of your time will lead to self-improvement and goals. This is true for both your personal and professional life. What is the best method to efficiently manage your time? Implementing these ten suggestions is an excellent place to start.

1. Do a Time Check

Find out exactly how you are spending your time. In a workplace, it is essential to know the activities that take up your time. You can then take action to stop it. For instance, you could spend an hour working on emails instead of finishing essential tasks. Knowing what your time is being spent on will help you make better choices about delegating work or purchasing software to speed up less essential processes.

2. Set the Time Limit

Setting a deadline for a task is enjoyable. It could even be akin to playing a game. Certain companies divide their employees into groups, and the group that completes an assignment or project first receives a reward. It is possible to apply this concept to any project. Make a time frame like one hour or two hours. Try to complete the work within the allocated time and be excited while you complete it.

3. Utilize Software Tools for Time Management

Technology is becoming more sophisticated when it comes to managing time. Numerous apps can help you monitor employees’ time to track the check-ins and departures of employees.

The internet has a wide array of tools and applications that are beneficial in business management, particularly monitoring and evaluating daily activities. Many apps offer advanced features of paid versions and offer users more control and a better user experience.

4. Make a list of things to do

Making a list is an efficient way to save time. If you’ve got a checklist, it will be less time-consuming to worry about what’s on your schedule for the day or when you need to do it next.

A list can keep you motivated and focused by allowing you to feel that satisfying satisfaction each moment you finish the task on your list. They also help you track how you’re doing and keep track of your progress. Even when you’re amid distractions, your lists will help you stay on the right path.

5. Plan Ahead

The ability to plan is an essential element of time management. It is recommended to prepare for the week ahead or even the day before. If you know what is required to be completed during the week or day, it will help you stay organized and focused. You can break up tasks over weeks to determine beforehand the time required to finish a job. Spending just some minutes in advance can alter the way you do your work.

Time Management – 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

6. Start with your most essential Priorities

Perform your most essential chores early in the day. The most stressful tasks, which comprise the bulk of work and the most challenging jobs – you can complete them early in the early morning. The reason for this is straightforward. You are most energetic in the morning.

Therefore, you’ll be able to take on the work effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the satisfaction of getting the most important things done first will make the remainder of the day more enjoyable.

7. Delegate and outsource

It’s impossible to do everything for you, so take some slack and let others help. Maybe it’s time to teach someone else how to perform basic tasks in your office or at work. This allows you to concentrate on more significant tasks or more complex tasks. You can also assign the job to a seasoned freelancer and save on costs.

8. Concentrate on One Task at a time

If you’ve decided to work on a project, be sure to see it through to the very end and complete the task. Don’t do anything half-hearted that is, i.e., dropping your current work and focusing on something different.

An excellent example of half-work is to write a report, after which you suddenly check your email at random and then write responses. This is not just poor time management, but it’s also detrimental to your concentration. It will cause you to lose your focus. Keep your focus on the task at hand and be aware of these dangers.

9. Make a few changes to your Schedule

When you are feeling more energetic at specific moments during the daytime, adjust your routine to accommodate the feeling.

Take advantage of the possible use of time. Certain people are more energetic early in the day, while some sleep at night. If you select the right timing for your schedule and your needs, you’ll reap the benefits of being able to accomplish more.

10. Avoid Perfection

Don’t let the perfect become the adversary for the right, according to the saying. Don’t overanalyze anything you do. It’s not a reason to be negligent, however. Try your best, always. However, perfection could make you feel miserable, So don’t be thinking about it. After you’ve completed your job and tried your best, you need to go on with your life.

A successful time management system is an outcome of maintaining a positive attitude and commitment to your objectives. Tools like software can assist in managing your time. There are a variety of time-tracking devices and calendars that can help you manage your time efficiently.

Last words

Whatever tools or tips you choose to use, utilize your time in a wise way. Make time for relaxation to keep you satisfied and motivated throughout your life.

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How to Write a Blurb for Your Novel

How to Write a Blurb for Your Novel: When writing a novel, there are few selling tools as important as a solidly written book blurb. Sure, the cover design creates intrigue. But, if you have caught a potential reader’s attention, the blurb is what will sell your book—and convert readers.

When defining a “blurb” it’s important to distinguish between a “description blurb” that you write for the back cover of your book and a “review blurb”. Here, we’ll be focusing on the former. How to write a blurb as an author.

Do’s and Don’ts How to Write a Blurb

Here are the do’s and don’t on how to write a blurb that you need to adhere to.


  • Reference the genre and central theme
  • Create intrigue around the main conflict
  • Dive right in and introduce your protagonist
  • Keep it short and punchy
  • Reference your book-writing or professional status, if it relates to your book


  • Give away any spoilers, no matter how tempted you are
  • Give a summary of the first chapter
  • Open with “In a world,” or any other overused phrase
  • Give everything away
  • Say how amazing your book is
  • Compare yourself to other writers or your book to other books

The Anatomy and Examples of a Blurb

While there’s no perfect formula for writing the best blurb for your novel, there are some patterns worth noting. Firstly, highlight your success in the book-writing world.

Secondly, introduces the protagonist in a way that creates intrigue without delving into details. And last but not least, referencing the central point of conflict—without explaining how a resolution may come about.

Take a look at the blurb examples below—Bella Andre’s, Kiss Me Like This, Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, and E L James’ Fifty Shades of Grey. Take note of any patterns. Any consistencies. And what the authors seem to be saying. And not saying.

For more information on how to write Blurb for Your Novel click here to get more information.

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Binance Registration, Requirements And Verification Procedures

Binance is the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, It supports the most commonly traded cryptocurrencies., It was founded in the year 2017. Oftentimes people find it very difficult to create a Binance account and that is because they don’t adhere to Binance registration guides. This article will guide you through.

Binance provides a crypto wallet for users to store their electronic funds. The exchange support services for users to earn interest or transact using cryptocurrencies.

Follow me closely as I take on the journey of how to go about the Binance Registration procedure.

Binance Registration – Sign Up – Create Binance account –

Creating a Binance account is very simple and anyone can do that without having to go through any stress. I will get guiding you through how to create your account and verify it.

Follow these 5 easy steps to verify a Binance account

Step 1: Register Account

Proceed to or you proceed to the App Store or google play store to install the finance app.

  • Fill in your email address or your mobile phone number.
  • Fill in your password and enter referral ID if you have any.
  • Click on create an account thereafter.

Step 2:

Complete Binance Verification

Complete Identity Verification on your new Binance account to unlock the fiat deposit and withdrawal limits. This process generally takes a few seconds to complete, which includes

  • Verifying your basic account information,
  • Providing ID documentation
  • Uploading a passport photograph

Step 3: Deposit Crypto


If you own crypto in another wallet, you can deposit them into your Binance Wallet.

Note: Never share your Binance Account/Wallet passwords, private keys, or codes with anyone. Binance will never ask you for sensitive information.

Step 4: Buy Crypto

Deposit Fiat

Depending on your country, you can deposit up to 50+ fiat currencies, such as EUR, BRL, and AUD to your Binance account using bank transfer and bank cards. You can find these different fiat channels here. You can use them to buy crypto directly once deposited.

  • Buy Crypto Using Debit/Credit Card

You can easily buy crypto directly using your credit/debit card on the Binance App.

  • Buy Crypto Using P2P (Peer-to-Peer)

You can also buy crypto using P2P methods, too. This allows you to directly buy crypto from other crypto users like you.

Step 5: Explore Binance Products

After obtaining your first crypto, you can start exploring our versatile trading products. In the Spot market, you can trade as many cryptos.

​How Is Kyc Important For Crypto?

What is KYC?

KYC is an acronym for “know your client”. It is the verification of a client’s identity, generally by a financial institution.

Customers are required to submit identity verification requirements during account opening and at times, when there has been a change in the user’s personal information. For instants, if you do a change of name after creating your account, you will be required to update your personal information.

Most cryptocurrency exchanges make KYC, or identity verification mandatory for users to receive uninterrupted access to their services.

Benefits Of Verification On Binance

One good thing about KYC on Binance is that users enjoy a tier upgrade with lower fees and higher withdrawal limits.

Have it in mind that KYC is primarily reserved for users who go for the credit and debit card transaction options. Those who perform transactions frequently will also benefit from completing their KYC on Binance.

How To Complete KYC, Or Identity Verification On Binance

The identity verification process on Binance is straightforward. Follow the steps below on how to verify your Binance account.

1. Visit

If you are a first-time user, you will have to create an account with Binance. If you are an existing user, just log in with your account details.

  1. Start the identity verification process

Once you have logged in, choose the [User Center] icon (pictured) on the top right corner of your screen. Then click [Identification] to proceed to the next step.

3. Verify your account

Click [Get Verified] to start the verification method. Note that the identification documents needed differ depending on your nationality. Therefore, after selecting your nationality, input your needed ID documents, which can embody a government-issued ID, legal name, home address, photo ID, zip code, and/or alternative needed details.

Can I Use Binance Without Verification?

Binance requires all users to complete Identity Verification to secure their account and to conform with countries’ regulations.

Therefore, you would possibly be asked to re-verify your Binance account from time to time. For instance, we require users to perform Identity Verification once more after we upgrade our compliance standards to be aligned with the new EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives.

1. Security

Identity Verification plays a crucial role in account security. With Identity Verification, Binance can secure your account from risks. We have to ensure our identity verification method will continue thus far with the new measures and supply a security framework at a technical level.

2. Regulatory

Binance also conforms with a series of AML (Anti-Money Laundering) standards, risk prevention, compliance, and the operation of certain activities that have been regulated by the jurisdictions. This can curb money laundering, terrorist financing, and illegal financial crime.

To retain access to any or all Binance products and services, all existing EEA countries’ users have to be compelled to re-verify their Binance accounts with the new identification.

Users will be notified in batches to perform the new verification.

Note that you can only be able to perform the new verification after you must have received the notification email.

Follow the instructions in the email to complete Identity Verification. Please complete the verification within the deadline, or your Binance account will be restricted to “Withdrawal Only”.

Do I Need To re-verify My Binance Account?

You need to re-verify your account if:

  • You verified your account before the new EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives standards were implemented;
  • You haven’t submitted your evidence of Address or answered the enhanced due diligence (EDD) questionnaire before;
  • You used the old ID verification vendor to complete the ID verification;
  • Your previous verification does not meet the requirements for the new EU Anti-Money Laundering Directives standards.


You will receive an email notification if you’re needed to re-verify or submit further info for your Binance account. Please complete the verification at intervals at the point or your Binance account is going to be restricted to “Withdrawal Only”.


Having gone through this content, you will agree with me that all you need to know about Binance Registration has been written up there.

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How To Become A photographer

A simple guide to mastering the art of photography, As we continue to witness massive change and improvement in technology, the field of photography have not only enhanced, its importance in both local and global scene have with time become a crucial part of the improving technological advancements.

In the modern day, digital photography emerged and have become an explosive field; providing strong economic contribution; through job creation, documentary and record keeping etc.

This article provides you with complete and simple steer on how to become a professional photographer.

Becoming a photographer is an interesting and a tasking expedition; which requires passion and consistency for perfection to be achieved.

Nine Step Guide on How To Become a Professional photographer

  • Raise the right questions:

Put together list of questions that will help you get a clearer picture about the art of photography, these will help you ruminate on the course of your journey to becoming a professional photographer. Let these questions strengthen your conviction about what you are about to venture into

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What motivates me?
  • How do I improve my skills?
  • Am I prepared to start small and persevere alone?
  • Can I work alone as a photography professional?
  • Which photography niche excites me?
  • What are the gaps that I can fulfill in my local area?
  • What value would I offer to my clients?

Set out and take the bull by the horn, commit yourself to the art; take more photos and continue taking them,

Enroll for online photography contests while you perfect in the art.

Make sure you take photos every day, in this we competence can be achieved

  • Attend workshops and seminars:

Allow yourself the chance of networking and sharing ideas with your fellow photographers. Join groups on Face book and other social networks, join photographers forum and join those within your locality and attend seminars and workshops; this will keep you abreast with new developments in the industry.

  • Get a photography mentor:

You will need guidance from a person who is more experienced in the field of photography; they will help you find an answer to your numerous questions,

Whereas you can check for answers to your question via online communities.

Find a proficient photographer to guide you. Help him out in his assignments and start learning the essentials of photography business from him.

  • Obtain the right photography learning:

Photography is one of the few industries where structured learning is not preconditioned for your growth; you can learn photography yourself, practice and improve on your skills.

There so many online courses one can take ranging from; Udemy, Alison, Adorama to YouTube.

A lot of skilled photographers have taken photography courses at top photography schools, universities, or design institutes. Besides a formal course of instruction to develop their skillfulness, a photographer should have an ardent passion, oodles of creativity, and technical skill, decide wisely from the many Photography Courses available.

  • Find and participate in photography internship:

Internship affords you the opportunity to practice and upgrade your skill.

Photography internship opportunities can be outsourced from the internet; you can also take internship proposals to professional photographers within your locality. It is important to note that internships also offer you the

platform to learn about ways to market your skills, helps you establish client base; thereby adding credit to your portfolio.

  • Get into a niche:

Up next! Get yourself into a niche, photography is so vast; therefore you should choose an area of specialty in it, this will give you leverage and make you stand out among other photographers.

Employ your creativity to art and create your own kind of story

Below are various niches you can venture into;

  • Portrait photography
  • Landscape photography
  • Street photography
  • Head shot photography
  • Still life photography
  • Food photography
  • Sports photography
  • Wildlife photography

There are too numerous to mention, so find your area of focus and improve on your expertise.

  • Get your photography equipment:

Now, you need to get together good cameras, lenses and other vital equipment and catch up to work.

You need good camera to capture high quality images; don’t go and make exorbitant purchases that will wreck your financial capacity.

You can start up by purchasing fairly used equipment but in all make sure you get the right equipment for the type of photography you are focusing on.

Also make sure you invest in the right hardware for post production, you can also rent some expensive material that you cannot purchase at the moment.

  • Practice diligently:

Set out and take the bull by the horn, commit yourself to the art; take more photos and continue taking them,

Enroll for online photography contests while you perfect in the art.

Make sure you take photos every day, in this we competence can be achieved.

  • Attend workshops and seminars:

Allow yourself the chance of networking and sharing ideas with your fellow photographers. Join groups on Face book and other social networks, join photographers forum and join those within your locality and attend seminars and workshops; this will keep you abreast with new developments in the industry.

  • Build your portfolio:

it’s time to make your mark in the industry, create your unique signature and create your own unique photos, up your skill and build relationship with your clients; create social media pages and websites where you can upload your beautiful works for appraisal.

Dear budding photographers, you have all it takes now to master your game in the field of photography, apply the above highlighted steps and see your self grow tremendously into a unique master piece, in addition to the outlined steps, position yourself to market your skills, we will bring you how to best to market your photography skills in our next article

CONGRATULATIONS!  For having the courage to begin, you have no limit to what you can be!

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