TB Test for UK Visa Application Updated

TB Test for UK Visa Application Updated, If you are applying from Nigeria and will be staying in the UK for longer than 6 months, you must have a TB test for UK visa.

There are only four (4) tuberculosis testing laboratories in Nigeria that are approved by the UK, even though tuberculosis testing is offered in many Nigerian hospitals.

In other words, your UK visa application will NOT be accepted if the test results were acquired from a medical facility other than one of these two. (Berninian must travel to Nigeria for TB tests as there are no facilities in Benin that have been certified by the UK.)

In this article, I’ll explain how to apply for a tuberculosis test for a UK visa in Nigeria, the clinics that can provide the test, and how much it will cost.

Let’s start with where you may have your TB test for UK visa in Nigeria for your UK visa application.

TB testing Centers in Nigeria Authorized by the UK Home Office

In the past, Nigeria had only two UK-approved TB testing centers. In Lagos, two more have lately been installed, bringing the total to four. The four exam centers are in Abuja and Lagos.

Guidelines for applying for TB Test for UK Visa

Getting a tuberculosis test entails selecting a facility from a list of UK-approved clinics, setting an appointment, paying, taking the test, and receiving your results.

How to Make a Tuberculosis Test Appointment

When contacting the clinic of your choosing, make it clear that the test is for your UK visa application. You can arrange for a tuberculosis test on the International Organization for Migration’s website or by email if you intend to use the Migration Health Assessment Centers.

You will be required to:

  • choose your country of departure and destination;
  • choose your desired screening centre, and
  • choose your preferred screening date.

To arrange an appointment, please enter a few more details and make payment on the website.

To schedule an appointment or make queries at Q-Life Family Clinic and The Consultants Practice, please phone or send an email. Remember to inform them that you want to take a TB test for your UK visa application.

How to Pay the Tuberculosis Test Fee at the IOM

Use your international passport number as a reference when paying for your tuberculosis test price. Pay solely to the clinic’s designated bank account. I previously wrote down the bank information for each clinic (except Q-life Family Clinic, which you would need to contact for their account information).

Bring your evidence of payment (transfer receipt or deposit slip) and your overseas passport to your tuberculosis test.


How long does the TB test certificate last?

To schedule an appointment or make queries at Q-Life Family Clinic and The Consultants Practice, please phone or send an email. Remember to inform them that you want to take a TB test for your UK visa application.

How to Pay the Tuberculosis Test Fee at the IOM

  • Use your international passport number as a reference when paying for your tuberculosis test price. Pay solely to the clinic’s designated bank account.
  • Bring your evidence of payment (transfer receipt or deposit slip) and your overseas passport to your tuberculosis test.
  • If you are a diplomat accredited to the UK, you will not be required to take a TB test.
  • You are a returning UK resident who has not been absent from the country for more than two years.
  • You lived in a nation where TB screening is not required by the UK for at least six months and have been gone from that country for no more than six months.

Where can I get a tuberculosis test for my UK visa?

You must be examined at a Home Office-approved tuberculosis testing facility. If your country lacks an approved testing facility, you will need to go to a neighbouring country to be tested.

The Home Office will not accept TB test certificates from unapproved clinics.

To schedule a test, contact your nearest accredited centre directly and make an appointment. Make it clear to the clinic that you need a TB test for your UK immigration application.

Check the Home Office website to discover the nearest permitted TB test centre in your country.

What happens during a tuberculosis test?

A TB test includes a chest x-ray to look for symptoms of the disease. If the X-ray results are unclear, you may be asked to provide a sputum sample.

You should bring the following items to your consultation at the clinic:

  • Valid photo identification, such as a passport or national identification card
  • If you have had Tuberculosis or another lung disease in the past, please provide details about any previous screenings.
  • The cost of a tuberculosis test. Fees vary according to the country from which you are applying and can be found on the Home Office website listing for your country.
  • If your test results reveal that you do not have tuberculosis, you will be granted a certificate good for six months from the date of your x-ray. Your application for a UK visa must include this certificate.
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Nigeria with other countries seek adequate, affordable financing

Nigeria, 11 other countries seek adequate, affordable financing

In a significant move to address the pressing need for sustainable development financing, Nigeria has united with 11 other countries to call upon the global community to prioritize access to adequate and affordable financing. This joint effort comes at a pivotal time when developing nations grapple with the compounding challenges of climate change, economic instability, and strained resources.

The coalition, comprising Nigeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Senegal, and Zambia, has raised its collective voice to underscore the critical importance of financing for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

The Financing Gap: A Looming Crisis

Despite the global commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many countries, particularly those in the developing world, face a severe financing gap that impedes their ability to implement crucial development initiatives. According to UN estimates, developing countries require an annual investment of approximately $4.5 trillion to achieve the SDGs, a staggering figure that highlights the magnitude of the challenge.

Nigeria’s Finance Minister, Zainab Ahmed, emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “Without adequate and affordable financing, our efforts to combat poverty, address climate change, and build resilient infrastructure will falter. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers.”

Call for Global Solidarity

The coalition’s appeal for increased access to financing extends beyond mere rhetoric. It is a resounding call for global solidarity and a recognition that sustainable development is not a challenge that any nation can tackle alone. By uniting their voices, these 12 countries aim to amplify the message and garner the attention of international financial institutions, donor countries, and the private sector.

“We are at a critical juncture where our collective actions will shape the future of our planet and the well-being of generations to come,” remarked Senegalese President Macky Sall, who has been a vocal advocate for sustainable development financing. “It is our moral imperative to ensure that no nation is left behind in this pursuit.”

Multifaceted Approach

The coalition’s strategy is multifaceted, encompassing various avenues to unlock the much-needed financing. One key focus is on leveraging innovative financing mechanisms, such as green bonds, blended finance, and public-private partnerships. These instruments have the potential to mobilize significant resources from both public and private sectors, thereby diversifying the funding streams for sustainable development initiatives.

Additionally, the coalition is seeking reforms within international financial institutions to enhance access to concessional financing for developing countries. This includes advocating for more flexible lending policies, lower interest rates, and longer repayment periods, all aimed at alleviating the debt burden and freeing up resources for investment in critical sectors.

Climate Finance: A Pressing Imperative

Climate change remains a central concern for the coalition, as its impacts disproportionately affect developing nations, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and hindering progress towards the SDGs. Consequently, the coalition is urgently calling for increased climate finance commitments from developed nations, in line with the Paris Agreement and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

“The effects of climate change are already being felt across our countries, threatening our food security, water resources, and economic stability,” stated Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. “Without substantial investments in climate adaptation and mitigation measures, our development gains risk being erased.”

Engaging the Private Sector

Recognizing the pivotal role of the private sector in achieving the SDGs, the coalition is actively seeking to enhance collaboration and create an enabling environment for private sector investment. This includes improving regulatory frameworks, strengthening institutional capacities, and fostering public-private dialogues to identify opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships.

“The private sector is a crucial partner in our journey towards sustainable development,” remarked Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. “By creating an attractive investment climate and aligning our efforts, we can unlock the vast potential of private capital to drive positive change.”

A Collective Responsibility

As the global community grapples with the interconnected challenges of poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, the call from Nigeria and its 11 partner nations serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility we share. Sustainable development is not a luxury but a necessity, and its achievement hinges on our ability to mobilize adequate and affordable financing.

“We are all in this together,” declared Nigerian President Bola Tinubu. “The success or failure of the 2030 Agenda will reverberate across borders and generations. It is our duty to heed this call and ensure that no nation is left behind in our pursuit of a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future.”

As the world approaches the halfway mark of the 2030 Agenda, the coalition’s efforts underscore the urgency of the situation and the need for a concerted global response. Only through collective action, innovative thinking, and a genuine commitment to international cooperation can we hope to bridge the financing gap and unlock the true potential of sustainable development for all.


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Good News For UK Cares And Skilled Workers | Cares Can Bring Dependents 2024

Good News For UK Cares And Skilled Workers | Cares Can Bring Dependents 2024

The UK government have come out to answer some of our questions and clarify more, give us more clarity on some of these measures that they have put in place to cut down their migration to the UK. You guys know that since this announcement was made, there’s been a lot of questions on people’s minds as this affects a lot of people. This affects a wide range of different people on different visa categories. It affects dependents, students, even British nationals, those on school worker visa, Carers, senior Carers, and a whole lot, even those on graduate visa. This really got a lot of people worried because we don’t know to which extent these rules affect those already in the UK planning to renew their visa.

Good News For UK Cares And Skilled Workers | Cares Can Bring Dependents 2024

They’re going to be sending dependents back home and a lot of things. We’re going to be looking at the details that the UK government have given us. It was published on the 21st of December 2023. Basically, they’ve answered some of these questions and giving us clarity to know exactly what to do and what to expect by the new year. We’ll be going into the details quickly, so please stick around with me while we dive right into it. but for now the Uk government have not Finalize on it so Care and skilled workers still allow to bring their Dependent.

Prime Minister and Home Secretary announced the plan to control migration to the UK.

We’re just going to dive right into it quickly without wasting much time. You will know exactly how these new rules affect you, whether you’re already in the UK or you’re outside the UK, planning to move to the UK. Whether you have your dependents, yet to bring your dependents, your British national, you’re on a study visa, you’re on a graduate visa, whatever it is at all that is your circumstance. We are going to find out exactly to the extent these new rules affect you. On Monday the fourth of December 2023, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary announced the plan to control migration to the UK.

Cut down migration to the UK by 300,000 people

By all the measures they put in place, they are saying that it’s going to cut down migration to the UK by 300,000 people. These are some of the measures they announced. Stopping overseas care workers from bringing dependents, and then only care homes regulated by CQC can now sponsor care workers. Increasing the minimum earning threshold for skilled worker visas from 26, 200 to 38, 700. Then they’re also saying that those coming on the health and social care visa routes will be exempt from the 38,700 salary threshold applied to skilled workers so that we can continue to bring the healthcare workers that our care sector and NHS need.

Teacher, Healthcare Worker Exempted

We are also exempting education workers on national pay scale occupations. If you are coming as a healthcare worker in the UK, you’re exempt from the 38,700 to 8,700 salary threshold as usual, and education workers as well are exempt. If you’re coming as a teacher, as an education worker, basically, you’re also exempt from the salary threshold  38,700.


As a the healthcare workers that our care sector and NHS need. We are also exempting education workers on national pay scale occupations. If you are coming as a healthcare worker in the UK.

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Time Management - 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

Time management: Time flies always. That makes time a variable that can be hard to control and monitor. And once time has slipped away, you never get it back. For companies, time lost equals dollars lost.

In a workplace where professionals and employees are selected based on their performance and input at the time specified, It’s an ideal moment to impart to them how to manage their time.

Why? They’ll not only be able to keep more track of their time but will also be able to keep track of their progress in projects and help contribute to the company’s growth.

Time Management – 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

Being aware of your time will lead to self-improvement and goals. This is true for both your personal and professional life. What is the best method to efficiently manage your time? Implementing these ten suggestions is an excellent place to start.

1. Do a Time Check

Find out exactly how you are spending your time. In a workplace, it is essential to know the activities that take up your time. You can then take action to stop it. For instance, you could spend an hour working on emails instead of finishing essential tasks. Knowing what your time is being spent on will help you make better choices about delegating work or purchasing software to speed up less essential processes.

2. Set the Time Limit

Setting a deadline for a task is enjoyable. It could even be akin to playing a game. Certain companies divide their employees into groups, and the group that completes an assignment or project first receives a reward. It is possible to apply this concept to any project. Make a time frame like one hour or two hours. Try to complete the work within the allocated time and be excited while you complete it.

3. Utilize Software Tools for Time Management

Technology is becoming more sophisticated when it comes to managing time. Numerous apps can help you monitor employees’ time to track the check-ins and departures of employees.

The internet has a wide array of tools and applications that are beneficial in business management, particularly monitoring and evaluating daily activities. Many apps offer advanced features of paid versions and offer users more control and a better user experience.

4. Make a list of things to do

Making a list is an efficient way to save time. If you’ve got a checklist, it will be less time-consuming to worry about what’s on your schedule for the day or when you need to do it next.

A list can keep you motivated and focused by allowing you to feel that satisfying satisfaction each moment you finish the task on your list. They also help you track how you’re doing and keep track of your progress. Even when you’re amid distractions, your lists will help you stay on the right path.

5. Plan Ahead

The ability to plan is an essential element of time management. It is recommended to prepare for the week ahead or even the day before. If you know what is required to be completed during the week or day, it will help you stay organized and focused. You can break up tasks over weeks to determine beforehand the time required to finish a job. Spending just some minutes in advance can alter the way you do your work.

Time Management – 10 Tips To Manage Time Effectively

6. Start with your most essential Priorities

Perform your most essential chores early in the day. The most stressful tasks, which comprise the bulk of work and the most challenging jobs – you can complete them early in the early morning. The reason for this is straightforward. You are most energetic in the morning.

Therefore, you’ll be able to take on the work effectively and efficiently. Additionally, the satisfaction of getting the most important things done first will make the remainder of the day more enjoyable.

7. Delegate and outsource

It’s impossible to do everything for you, so take some slack and let others help. Maybe it’s time to teach someone else how to perform basic tasks in your office or at work. This allows you to concentrate on more significant tasks or more complex tasks. You can also assign the job to a seasoned freelancer and save on costs.

8. Concentrate on One Task at a time

If you’ve decided to work on a project, be sure to see it through to the very end and complete the task. Don’t do anything half-hearted that is, i.e., dropping your current work and focusing on something different.

An excellent example of half-work is to write a report, after which you suddenly check your email at random and then write responses. This is not just poor time management, but it’s also detrimental to your concentration. It will cause you to lose your focus. Keep your focus on the task at hand and be aware of these dangers.

9. Make a few changes to your Schedule

When you are feeling more energetic at specific moments during the daytime, adjust your routine to accommodate the feeling.

Take advantage of the possible use of time. Certain people are more energetic early in the day, while some sleep at night. If you select the right timing for your schedule and your needs, you’ll reap the benefits of being able to accomplish more.

10. Avoid Perfection

Don’t let the perfect become the adversary for the right, according to the saying. Don’t overanalyze anything you do. It’s not a reason to be negligent, however. Try your best, always. However, perfection could make you feel miserable, So don’t be thinking about it. After you’ve completed your job and tried your best, you need to go on with your life.

A successful time management system is an outcome of maintaining a positive attitude and commitment to your objectives. Tools like software can assist in managing your time. There are a variety of time-tracking devices and calendars that can help you manage your time efficiently.

Last words

Whatever tools or tips you choose to use, utilize your time in a wise way. Make time for relaxation to keep you satisfied and motivated throughout your life.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media: It’s not a secret social media has revolutionized how people live their lives. There’s more connectivity than we’ve ever been, and yet we’re being pressured to make use of the latest apps and follow the new trends.
However, even the slightest error could be taken over the top, and you might become viral in a matter of minutes even when you weren’t trying to.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

So, is Social Media good or bad for us? We will discuss the most significant benefits and drawbacks of using social media.

What are the disadvantages of social media?

We can’t deny the fact that social media has been of very good help to our generation. However, there are some disadvantages of using social media and I think it will be very helpful to share with you guys.

  1. Inattention to problems that could be arising

The issue is that because social media is still in its infant stages and the fact that we’re still trying to decide on how we will handle all sorts of issues that are emerging, such as privacy issues as well as what’s going to happen to our profile when we pass away.

  1. Negative Impact on Children

In the meantime, a new study revealed that children are content even if social media wasn’t around, and more than 50% of them have experienced violence or had their confidence shattered by sites.

In reality, two-thirds of students said they’d be content if the technology hadn’t been invented, and 71% had taken the same path as celebrities such as Ed Sheeran and the Kardashians by avoiding social media entirely.

Some studies have identified a connection between social networks and a higher rate of depression and anxiety.

  1. Life is not complete without a mobile phone

It might be a shock to some, as there is a common perception that children are always on their smartphones and obsessed with snapping selfies. However, it’s this impression – and the fact of the pressure they are under to conform and be accepted by society – that is causing kids to alter their approach to technology.

Advantages Social Media

1. Excellent source of information

Indeed, social media isn’t always bad. There are plenty of stories to tell about social media websites bringing together people following natural catastrophes as well as earning millions in donations to charities.

On a less superficial level, it’s utilized by many grandparents and parents to track their children and grandchildren while they travel or head towards college.

  1. Social Media is connecting people

Social media can be the source of massive numbers of relationships throughout the globe, but it also helps bring the relationship closer. Facebook is the only site cited by a third of divorced couples as being one of the causes for their separation. However, children today exist initially in place because their parents were connected through social media websites.

  1. Social Media and its users are becoming more mature

Social media may harm both adults and children. However, it’s been quite a while since the introduction of social media, and it is currently in adolescence and is moving towards fully mature. It’s similar to the first days of online shopping and when no one was shopping online for fear that they’d be scammed.

After that, E-commerce grew, and websites such as Amazon and eBay have helped make it more legitimate. The same has begun to take place on social media websites, with users putting emphasis on quality over quantity and acquiring the level of sophistication, which wasn’t the case in the beginning. We all can tell us when an item of information is fake or the Twitter account attempts to lure us into clicking an untrue link.

Social media has equally helped millions of people all over the world to build their business presence online, create organic content, build your brand, drive traffic to the website, create viral content, uncover valuable insights, provide better customer service, and also gain valuable insight about your customers.

Are social networks going to be a thing of the past?

The simple answer is not. However, let’s look at the longer answer. The reality is that social networks are likely to remain in trend anytime soon. The benefits are greater than the risks by an enormous margin. If you follow a few basic safety security measures, you can be safe on social network websites.

The importance of education in the evolution of social media

Like most things, education plays the most significant role in making young minds ready to use social networks. Since the trend isn’t going to fade away anytime soon, the best way to prepare is to teach our children about social networking rules.

At the most straightforward stage, this means teaching users how to use privacy controls and explaining why it’s not a good idea to accept requests for friends from people you don’t even know. In a more sophisticated way, it’s about using antivirus and anti-malware software and sites such as Snopes.com to verify whether the reports we’re reading about are actual or not.

General rules for the use of social media

If you apply some common sense, you’ll be covered. Some general rules apply:

  • The old saying of treating others as you would like to treat them. One of the best rules to teach children and keep in mind when they grow older – is the grandmother’s rule that is “don’t post or do anything online that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying or doing in front of your grandmother.”
  • Beware of horrible hashtag failures
  • increase the number of people who view those posts with a strategic approach

Pros and negatives of social media – conclusion

The debate on whether social media is beneficial or not will be ongoing, but it’s similar to everything else. If you and your kids utilize social media sites in moderation, There’s no reason to be concerned that kids claim they’d be more content without social media. This isn’t necessarily a criticism of social media sites in themselves, but rather how we use them.

The negative aspects of social media, like fraud, bullying, and the spreading of misinformation, occurred offline before they made it to the internet. So whether you or your children are concerned about using social networks, do not be. Keep your software up-to-date.

Ensure you verify the details before you trust them and ensure that your privacy settings are current. If social media is causing you to feel depressed, take some time out. If you’re doing it right, it will enhance your life, not dominate it.

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How to Write a Blurb for Your Novel

How to Write a Blurb for Your Novel: When writing a novel, there are few selling tools as important as a solidly written book blurb. Sure, the cover design creates intrigue. But, if you have caught a potential reader’s attention, the blurb is what will sell your book—and convert readers.

When defining a “blurb” it’s important to distinguish between a “description blurb” that you write for the back cover of your book and a “review blurb”. Here, we’ll be focusing on the former. How to write a blurb as an author.

Do’s and Don’ts How to Write a Blurb

Here are the do’s and don’t on how to write a blurb that you need to adhere to.


  • Reference the genre and central theme
  • Create intrigue around the main conflict
  • Dive right in and introduce your protagonist
  • Keep it short and punchy
  • Reference your book-writing or professional status, if it relates to your book


  • Give away any spoilers, no matter how tempted you are
  • Give a summary of the first chapter
  • Open with “In a world,” or any other overused phrase
  • Give everything away
  • Say how amazing your book is
  • Compare yourself to other writers or your book to other books

The Anatomy and Examples of a Blurb

While there’s no perfect formula for writing the best blurb for your novel, there are some patterns worth noting. Firstly, highlight your success in the book-writing world.

Secondly, introduces the protagonist in a way that creates intrigue without delving into details. And last but not least, referencing the central point of conflict—without explaining how a resolution may come about.

Take a look at the blurb examples below—Bella Andre’s, Kiss Me Like This, Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, and E L James’ Fifty Shades of Grey. Take note of any patterns. Any consistencies. And what the authors seem to be saying. And not saying.

For more information on how to write Blurb for Your Novel click here to get more information.

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