How To Start eCommerce Business In Nigeria.

Starting an eCommerce store in Nigeria is a question many of us wonder about a bit. As it is, Nigeria’s Economy is going cashless and almost everybody is going online for businesses. It is done in many ways over tablets, computers, smartphones, and other smart devices. I will be teaching you how to Start eCommerce Business In Nigeria.

What is E-commerce?

E-commerce is an abbreviation of Electronic Commerce and is an online store that involves buying and selling goods and services online or over the internet. Nigeria is over 180 million in population, as of 2020, Nigeria contributed to the e-commerce market with US$5 Billion.

Types of eCommerce:

There are 6 basic types of e-commerce, these are;

1. Business-To-Consumers (B2C) :

In this kind of business, the seller sells directly to the consumers without a third party. B2C is one of the types of e-commerce. That means a seller is contacted directly by a buyer and purchased a product without any other middle person.

2. Business-To-Business (B2B):

Business-to-business is a way of doing business with other companies. It refers to companies or salespersons who sell products to other businesses rather than consumers. Take for example a beverage company buying CMS directly from a chemical company.

3. Consumer-To-Consumer (C2C):

Consumer-to-consumer is a kind of business model that enables consumers to trade with each other. Or simply, it means individuals selling to individuals, rather than businesses selling to individuals.

4. Consumer-To-Business (C2B):

C2B is a business model where an end-user or consumer provides a product or services for an organization. An end-user simply means someone who uses or intends to use a product.

5. Consumer-To-Administration:

This is similar to B2A. This is where a consumer sells or provides services to the government or public administration.

6. Business-To-Administration(B2A):

The Business-to-administration model involves interaction between companies and public clients. Public clients include the state, public administration or authorities, and the community. B2A is also known as B2G. B2G is an acronym for Business-to-Government.

Steps To Start eCommerce Business In Nigeria

If you want to start e-commerce in Nigeria, like the likes of Jiji, Jumia, etc, there are steps you must take to achieve our purpose. We will be looking at the steps to take to make successful e-commerce in Nigeria.

Carry out market research: When carrying out market research have it in mind that the people you are selling to are Nigerians. Search for the most bought product in Nigeria.

Choose a product line: After you must have carried out your market research the next is to choose a product that sells most online or new products, that, if people see online you are very sure they are going to buy it.

Register your business name: The next in line is to choose a business name. The business name is what you are known for. Take for example the Coca-cola company, Apple, Google, Pepsi, etc. all these are business names. After choosing a business name, you register your business name with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to avoid being tagged as an illegal business.

Things to note when choosing a business name are;

● Choose a simple name: Avoid names that are long and confusing.

● Make the name unique: You must go for a name that is unique to you that shows who you are.

● Easy to pronounce and not forgetful: Choose a name that even a primary five kid can say without thinking twice. Don’t choose a name that is too hard to pronounce.

● Don’t choose a name that is similar to other brands: Avoid choosing names that are similar to other brands because once your customers search for your business name the first name that will pop up are the most common brands and you don’t want that to happen.

● Avoid unusual spelling: Choose a name that is easy to spell and not hard to spell, avoid unusual hyphens in the name.

● Make the name simple: The shorter the length the better the outcome.
● Give the name a clue: Try to choose a name that will provide information about what your business does.

● Domain: A domain is the address of your websites that people type in the uniform resources locator (URL) browser to visit your website. For example is a domain name. Simply put it this way, your website is a house then your domain name is the address. You have to have a domain name where people can easily search for your products online.

● Platform: A platform is a business type that creates importance by promoting sales between two or more interdependent groups, usually buyers and producers. You will need to build a landing page where people can place orders with ease.

  •  The landing page is where you will write out the details and benefits of the products and ask people to place an order.

● Marketing Funnel: The marketing funnel is also known as the Sales funnel, is the process that people go through to buy your products. Meaning you take track of customers’ journey on your website.

● Traffic: Traffic means web users who visit a website. Ways to generate traffic to your websites means to run an advert (Ads) to your site. The Ads you see on Facebook are all traffic. And there are a lot of social sites, on which you can carry out your ads like Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.

● DELIVERY: The final stage is the delivery method. In Nigeria, payment on delivery works the most. You can either deliver the product yourself or use a self-delivery agent.

Note, a quick delivery means good business but late delivery makes bad business.

If you are new to the e-commerce market, start targeting your Immediate location first. Sell with a
profit of at least 4500 to 5000 Naira. Sell products that are not common but are worth the value.


E-commerce is a lucrative business that you can start at the comfort of your home. Starting e-commerce in Nigeria is simple if you have a good product, know who your audience is and know how to market them. With proper market research, you know the highly sought products in Nigeria. Kindly share to friends so they can start their own Ecommerce business.

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How To Make Money With Amazon Publishing In Nigeria

Making money online is a lucrative business in every part of the world. And most Nigerians have taken it up to make money online. Amazon publishing is one of the ways to make money online in Nigeria as it is easy to access. This article will be teaching you how to make money with Amazon Publishing In Nigeria.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publish (KDP) is a platform that allows you to create and publish books by yourself. It is a fast means to publish your book.

How To Make Money With Amazon Publishing In Nigeria

Amazon is the Seventh major player in the publishing industry. If you have ever considered publishing a book, the best time is right now.

Steps To Publishing Book On Amazon

There are a few steps to get started on Amazon kindle direct publishing. The steps are as follow:

  • Research, identify the topic you want to publish

Publishing a book on Amazon requires a lot of research, knowing what the publishing industry is, knowing what your audience is all expecting, or knowing the trend of books on sales. There are varieties of books that are moving the markets and you might want to write in that direction or stay focused on your niche. Get inspired by SMB

  • Write or outsource the writing of the book

At this point, you should already know the name or title of the book you want to publish on Amazon. If you don’t know how to write a book there are sites you can easily go to, to pay freelancers to write a book for you giving the name or title of the book you have in mind. Sites like Fiverr, Upwork, etc. 

  • Design a cover

The first thing that attracts people to books is the covers. A cover can sell your books for you before people even view the content of the book. Remember it’s not just your book that is out there, there are thousands of books with beautiful covers out there.

If you don’t have any idea about designing a cover you can still get a paid freelancer to do the work for you on Fiverr, Upwork, Simplyhired, etc.

After you are through with the stages above the next in line is;

  • Create Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Account

Go to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to register an account. There are two options at this point, option one for those who already have an account with Amazon KDP. And option two, for those who don’t have an account with Amazon KDP, to create one with them. Things to note are your name, Email, and password.

  • Author or Publisher Information:

You are required to input your details at this point. Enter your First Name, Last Name and Email address you want them to send you notifications for tax purposes and royalty payments. The royalty payment is a way you get paid when your book is purchased on Amazon. Note:  You will be warned not to input a pen name because your payment and tax form are issued under the same name. A pen name is an assumed name used by a writer instead of his or her real name. 

  • Getting Paid: 

This is the stage where you input your payment details. The payment methods are of three stages, direct deposits, wire transfer and cheque. Click to see which payment methods are available to you based on your location. 

Direct Deposit: The direct deposit is also known as electronic fund transfer. It involves transferring money from a bank to another bank without cash changing hand, or checking.

Wire Transfer: The wire also involves transferring money from one bank to another bank around the world. 

 Cheque: The Cheque method involves being issued a paper cheque through the mail to the address you have entered in the author or publisher information section.

  • Tax Information:

 Amazon is a US-based firm and is regulated under the US tax authorities. You are required to submit your tax status to Amazon under US law with the online interview on your kindle direct publishing account page. 

Your tax status must be validated and received before your book is published on the kindle store. Most countries have a tax identification number, if you are not sure of your country’s tax identification number you can contact local tax authorities in your country.

A tax Identification Number is a unique number for an individual or a company for tax remittance. For Nigeria, the local tax authority is the Joint Tax Board. Don’t know how to get your tax identification number, don’t worry, we have got you covered. Kindly click on the link Joint Tax Board.

How Long Does It Take To Self Publish On Amazon?

It takes close to an hour to upload a file on the platform. And after uploading, the file goes through the process of review and this process takes up to 24 to 48 hours to complete. But for English content, it takes close to 12 hours to be published.

How To Get Paid As Amazon KDP As A Nigerian

The Amazon Kindle direct publishing doesn’t pay directly into the Nigeria bank account as it has some restrictions for some countries. But as a Nigerian you can get paid from Amazon by simply opening a Payoneer account, yes you heard me right. Below is the process to follow to get paid directly from Nigeria;

  • Firstly, You must have a Payoneer account in Nigeria before thinking of opening a kindle account.
  • After the successful opening of the account, go to your account and view your US payment service profile
  • Copy the bank details at the payment service profile
  • Then, go to Amazon kindle direct publishing websites and log into your account
  • After logging in successfully, select to add or edit bank account 
  • Select your bank account as the USA
  • Enter your account name in the same way it is shown in your Payoneer account part into the box provided by Amazon kindle direct publishing 
  • Click on the Done button, click the save button to save the edited account. 

You are ready to get paid on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. 


This is completely how you can be among the lucky Amazon earners, if you have not read what is inside this content then I urge you do so now cause there is a lot in it that is going to take you off from financial bondage. Kindly share with friends after going through the process on how to publish on Amazon

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How to Improve Mental Health With Technology

How to Improve Mental Health With Technology

Technology has so developed in the world today that it can now be used in strengthening the mental health of man. The invention of this mental technology has made things easy and moving forward, as it concerns the systematic methods of applying the versatile knowledge of science for practical purposes in all endeavors of humans.

We have helpful, different types of technology. They give out their unique ways their quality of life as they maintain their self-awareness just like technology for strengthening mental health.

As we look at other helpful technology areas, we will see more deals on mental health strengthening technology.

Types of Mental Health With Technology

This technology includes:

  • Information Technology.
  • Communications Technology
  • Education Technology.
  • Mechanical Technology
  • Electronic Technology
  • Construction Technology
  • Medical Technology
  • Mental Health Technology etc.

All the technologies mentioned above and lots more function specifically in their field, giving the best of their kind, but the specification we are looking at is strengthening mental health using technology.

Being mentally unbalanced causes a lot of harm to society which affects the outcome of life because it influences our quality of life in mass.

So, it’s imperative to strengthen our mental health even as technology has made it easier for us.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health comprises the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of humanity, which affects our sense of reasoning, feelings, thinking, and reactions to things.

Many things negatively trouble our mental health in different stages of our life, starting from childhood, adolescence, and primarily through adulthood.

When your mood, thinking, or behavior is affected due to abuse, trauma from life experiences, or brain chemistry from Biological factors, the whole society will be affected as well, starting from your immediate family.

As technology has made it possible, there are different ways one can strengthen mental health for better function, which includes:

How to Improve Mental Health With Technology

  • The use of Apps from PTSD to ADDICTION for everything.

It helps the depressed and fearful ones, improves coping mood, memory, and thinking skills, or manages stress through mindfulness or meditations.

  • I am making use of One-On-One Therapy through Video and Text

Those with mental health impairments have the chance of direct conversation with Therapists or Professionals through video or call using their mobile phone or computer.

  • It uses a Behaviour Tracker that may indicate an impending Mental Health crisis

The Apps are programmed to give the outcome of lessened anxiety and improved mood.

  • The use of Smart Software which finds At-Risk Patients in medical records

Through a network of behavioral health specialists, they give them means of connecting them with appropriate treatments.

  • The use of Virtual Reality Treatment

Physicians use different methods like exposure therapy, programmed to help relieve trauma-related phenomena of a patient in a controlled, safe.

  • Making use of Google Screening tells you when you’re Depressed

They provide a space in Google for mental health screening questionnaires for many who search for “depression” on their mobile phones.

This top result box is a “knowledge panel” containing information on depression, its symptoms, and potential treatments.

With your mobile phone, you Click the option “Check if you’re clinically depressed” to assess yourself through their quiz.

Different Apps Programmed to Improve Mental Health

This app is programmed or designed to promote positive thinking self-awareness and balance the thought and moods of the victims.

The apps include:

  • CALM

Mood Kit is an app meant for mood-tracking to the age bracket of 12 and above.

The app provides a space for users to journal their daily moods, thoughts, and emotions as it is centered on the design of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

The app gives you room to closely observe your mental state and subsequently helps you avoid negative thought patterns.

This type of mental-health app creates a platform for users to increase their self-awareness and have improving activities, space for journaling and guidance,


Smiling Mind is a mindfulness-centered app that is best for the above. Educators and psychologists developed this particular app to promote compassion, mindfulness, happiness, and balance for all age groups. The app guides you on how to check in your mood and meditate as well; it has different programs that are set to target diverse populations, which include:

Sessions focused on mindfulness in the classroom or workplace and sports programs and sessions for children and adults.


This type of App is free for all App Store users, and it has a premium version that provides more features.

The Mindfulness App is programmed to help all users to tailor the app to their personal preference and as well participate in healthy meditation methods.

It is recommended for all kinds of meditators and permits them to ease into the routine within 5 minutes per day.

The daily tips about staying focused area-centered are an additional app provision.


Happify provides activities that increase your happiness and improve your mental health on the App Store.

The app permits you to be in charge of your emotional well-being by selecting areas to focus on, such as building your self-confidence or overpowering negative thoughts.

The app gives you chances to track changes, and the app is used in great detail the outrages users to acquire a well-rounded experience as they promote self-awareness.

Happify app allows loved ones to share where it can support up to 6 different users, and it’s also affordable.

  • CALM

Appropriate for ages four and up, Calm is an app that deals with sleep, meditation, stress reduction, and relaxation techniques.

Its goal is to lower stress levels promote self-awareness, balance, and better sleeping habits.

The Named 2017’s App of the Year “Calm” is recommended for intermediate,  beginners, or more advanced users.

The features of the apps include; Breathing Exercise, Stress-Reducing, Sleep Stories, Meditation Features, and Soothing Music and  Sounds.


Technology has so developed in the world today that it can now be used in strengthening the mental health of man.

Being mentally unbalanced causes a lot of harm to society which affects the outcome of life because it influences our quality of life in mass.

So, it’s essential to strengthen our mental health even as technology has made it easier for us.

Mental health comprises the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of humanity, which affects our sense of reasoning, feelings, thinking, and reactions to things.


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How to Write Job Application Letter in Nigeria 2024

If you are not sure or you don’t totally know how how to write job application letter in Nigeria, you came to the right place. Take your time and read till the end of this article we have shared all that you need to know.

First of all, you have to note that application documents differ from one country to another. In North America and Europe a cover letter typically accompanies a resume, an application letter stands on its own and therefore, is more in-depth.

Nigerian employers use an application letter and a cover letter interchangeably. In this article, we’ll take a good look at how to write an effective application letter and we will equally include a sample for guidance.

So if you are applying to a company, and in the job description they request either an application letter or a cover letter, you should prepare a resume/CV accompanied by a piece of writing that succinctly summarizes your best selling points and professional accomplishments.

Thus, an application letter follows the rules of formal writing. But if you use our guides, you will grab the hiring manager’s attention and stand out;

How to Write Job Application Letter in Nigeria 2024

Before we dive into teaching you how to write an application letter you have to have a look at the following important tips.

  • Always write an outline, as it will inform your letter of the structure.
  • Write a draft and carefully polish it.
  • Pay special attention to the first and last sentences as they can leave a lasting impression or prompt a hiring manager to toss your letter in the trash.
  • Tailor your application letter to the vacancy requirements or at least to the company’s policy and vision.
  • Use a friendly tone and avoid complaining or being chummy.
  • Make it concise.

If you are about to write your first application letter, it will take you some time to find all the information you need, write a draft, and finally polish it by proofreading and using our tips. But in the long run, it will pay off.

Now let’s look in greater detail at the stages of writing an application letter or cover letter for a job in Nigeria.

Outline. At this stage just jot down the titles of the paragraphs and what comes to mind on the spur of the moment. For example, your outline can use the following application letter format in Nigeria:

  • Company’s address
  • Salutation
  • Opening sentence (strong leadership, customer service, optimizing expenditures)
  • Reasons for writing (my experience fit their job description)
  • Your qualifications and what you have to offer the company
  • Summarize and thank
  • Close off
Also Read:  Working remotely: what it is and its effectiveness

Draft. To avoid being bogged down by little things like googling the company’s address and the names of the hiring manager and recruiter, write the bulk of the letter first. You can hone your whole draft during the final stages.

Forbes career counselor Robin Ryan advises against writing a generic letter. The fact that you should not copy and paste a random example of a job application letter in Nigeria goes without saying.

In the first paragraph, talk about your best qualities and most amazing results. Treat it as a 30-second elevator speech. Be concise and use only meaningful phrases without cliches and banalities.

In the second paragraph, elaborate on your professional experience, keeping in mind the employer’s needs. List your most impressive projects and jobs. If you are entry-level, you can mention your education, including SATs score, certificates, and diplomas, awards, publications, etc.

In the third paragraph, express your admiration of the company and emphasize your fit with the company’s values, mission, and job requirements.

Polish your draft. After you compose your rough draft, read and reread it several times, weeding out all platitudes, empty phrases, and clichés. Daniel Victor from the New York Times advises against stating the obvious. For example, there is no point in saying that you are a “hard worker” or have a “creative mind.” First of all, such statements are overused. Second, your ability to work hard will be obvious from the work you do.

Work on the first and last sentences. You should put more thought and consideration into wording it than an average candidate cares to do. For example, Ryan recommends not to open up your letter with overused phrases like “I’m applying for a vacancy advertised on the company’s LinkedIn page.” An application letter is short, so don’t waste space on vapid, generic sentences that say virtually nothing about you.

It will take you some time and research to craft an attention-grabbing opener that will immediately tap into the employer’s need and demonstrate your qualities. Even if you are not responding to a specific job description and are writing a cold letter, try to analyze the job you are applying for. As soon as you grasp what the employer wants to see in an employee in this position, you will know how to address it.

If your aim is to demonstrate your skills and work results, you should write something similar to this opener: “Twice an award holder for my superb selling skills at the Finn Group, I can bring my proven expertise in sales and product knowledge to increase revenue for the Diana & Co. sales team.”

When finishing the letter, focus on what you bring to the company rather than what you can take from them. That is why ‘looking forward to seeing you in person is just a waste. Conclude your letter with a promise:

‘I welcome the chance to discuss your current varnish and paint sales objectives and show you how my innovations and solutions at the Finn Group can translate into growth for Diana & Co.”

“Could we meet next week to discuss how my skills in software sales, leadership, and database management can help grow your revenue by 15% per year?” “I would welcome the chance to discuss the increased sales and reduced costs I would bring to your company.”

Tailor your application letter to the vacancy requirements. After the bulk of your application letter is written, keep polishing it. Check out whether your descriptions and mentioned skills fit the job descriptions that you can find on the company’s website or LinkedIn page. You need to show that you understand the company’s needs and job duties and are ready to deliver.

Proofread your letter. When you re-read your letter several times, make sure you conform to a Nigerian application letter format. At this stage, you should know the name of the hiring manager to go beyond a generic ‘Dear Sirs’ or ‘To whom it may.’ Shorten overly-wordy sentences and check each sentence for clarity. Zap out any slang or colloquial words. Your tone should be friendly and light yet formal.

Sample of a Job Application Letter in Nigeria 2024

Here is an example of an application letter we composed to show you how to use all of the above tips and rules. Feel free to use this letter as a template but remember that generic letters do not encourage recruiters to invite applicants for an interview.

12 Tonyllen Crescent Street
Uyo, Anambra State
February 08, 2024.

Ben Chijioke
Human Resources Manager
Veggies to Go
238 Main Street
Portland, Maine 04101

Dear Mr. Ben,


I was so excited when my former coworker, Theresa Okoye, told me about your opening for an administrative assistant in your Portland offices. A long-time Veggies to Go customer and an experienced administrator, I would love to help the company achieve its mission of making healthy produce as available as takeout.

I have worked for small companies for my entire career, and I relish the opportunity to wear many hats and work with the team to succeed. In my latest role as an administrative assistant at Beauty Corp, I saved my employer thousands of dollars in temp workers by implementing a self-scheduling system for the customer service representatives that cut down on canceled shifts. I also learned web design, timesheet coding, and perfected my Excel skills.

I have attached my resume for your consideration and hope to speak with you soon about your needs for the role.

Best Regards,

Jake Blade



As you can see, a clear-cut structure makes writing an application letter less difficult than one might fear. Yet, you will definitely need some preliminary research. If you feel paralyzed by the fear of a blank page, just start jotting down whatever comes to your mind.

You can reword and polish it later. Or use the Internet, where you can find many online application letter builders that can provide you with an excellent template that you can edit and make more personalized.

Your application can be rather simple and concise and still land you a job interview if you aim to make it unique and avoid clichés. Do not go over one page. Proofread it many times. And treat it as an important piece of writing that has a pinch of your personality.

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How to Apply for Diversity Visa Lottery 2024

How to Apply for Diversity Visa Lottery, they should enter the Diversity Visa Lottery.

To Apply for Diversity Visa all eligible family members will register using the  Diversity Visa Lottery link. lottery is the best method to maximize your family’s chances of success. If both spouses are eligible, they should enter the Diversity Visa Lottery with ease or a successful applicant may bring both his or her spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21.

Eligibility Requirement for both spouse

If both spouses are eligible, they should enter the Diversity Visa Lottery or Assume you and your spouse are both New Zealand citizens, work in skilled employment, and have both completed secondary school. You now have two numbers that could win the lotto as a family. You may file one application in your own name, and your spouse may file one in his or her own name. Each of you will be given a confirmation number. If one of you wins, the other will be considered a derivative spouse. It is important to remember that each person applying for a diversity visa must meet the eligibility requirements. Therefore, if your spouse does not meet the employment, country, or education requirements, he or she is not eligible to apply on his or her own.

Eligible Children Should Also Apply

There is no limit on how many eligible members of the same family may apply for the Diversity Visa Lottery. If you have any children who have met the educational or work experience requirements (which usually requires them to be at least 16 to 18 years of age), those children should also enter the lottery. They won’t, if they win, be able to bring you to the U.S. immediately; but they will start a path to helping you and other family members immigrate in the future. For example: You and your 20-year-old son are eligible for diversity visas, and you both apply. Your son wins, but you do not. Your son enters the United States and becomes a lawful permanent resident.

How to Become U.S. Citizen

After five years of living in the U.S., your son can become a U.S. citizen. As a U.S. citizen, he can petition for you (considered his “immediate relative”) to become a resident of the United States. The choice of winners of the U.S. diversity visa lottery is completely random. For the 50,000 available visas each year, between 13 million to 20 million eligible people from various countries in the world apply.

To increase your chances of passing the DV lottery interview, here are some tips you can follow:
  • Be prepared: Study the requirements for the interview, including the documents you need to bring and the questions you may be asked. Practice your English skills to communicate effectively with the interviewer.
  • Be honest: Answer all questions truthfully and accurately. Do not provide false information or try to deceive the interviewer, as this can lead to your application being denied.
  • Be confident: Show that you are confident in your answers and in your ability to live and work in the United States. Demonstrate that you have researched and prepared for this opportunity.
Document Required
  • Provide supporting documentation: Bring all the necessary documents to support your application, including proof of education, work experience, and financial support. Make sure that all documents are authentic and valid.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress in business attire to show that you take the interview seriously and are prepared for a professional environment.
  • Be polite and respectful: Be courteous and respectful to the interviewer and other staff members. Show that you are willing to follow the laws and regulations of the United States.

By following these tips and preparing thoroughly for the interview, you can increase your chances of passing the DV lottery interview and ultimately obtaining a visa to the United State.

The Secret to Winning the DV Lottery is:

First, to be qualified for the Diversity Visa Lottery (by nationality plus either education or work experience) and to complete the application correctly, completely, and timely during the month that the system is open for entry.

Second, don’t wait passively to be notified somehow if you have been drawn. It doesn’t work that way. Use your unique applicant number to check the results regularly, yourself. How? Read the instructions and follow them to the letter.

Enter every year, and don’t be discouraged by not being drawn; there are far more entries than there are visas available. But, as has been said many times elsewhere, ‘You got play to win.’ I issued DV visas to people on their very first try, and on their sixth, tenth, or thirteenth.


Do not pay anyone to Apply for the Diversity Visa Lottery else to do it for you. Sadly but inevitably, there are thousands of local touts who will take your application data at any time and will claim to have submitted it. Most of them will charge a shameless fee for that, and won’t even provide the service but will claim that they did and you just were unlucky.


we are not directly responsible for the dv lottery visa but ours is to advertise so you can apply following the links that is above for the process to be successful. Check for more immigration processes

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Universities in Nigeria Offering Generous Undergraduate Scholarships

Getting admitted into a Nigerian university is an exciting milestone for any student. However, the high cost of tertiary education can be a significant barrier for many prospective undergraduates. Thankfully, many Universities in Nigeria Offering Generous Undergraduate Scholarships to help talented students fund their studies.

In this blog post, we will highlight some of the top universities in Nigeria that provide substantial undergraduate scholarships based on merit or financial need.

Whether you are an incoming student or already enrolled in a program, it’s worth exploring if you are eligible for any of these scholarship opportunities to help ease the financial burden of university. With Nigeria’s youth population booming, these scholarships play a crucial role in making tertiary education more accessible and affordable.

Covenant University

Covenant University, located in Ota, Ogun State, is a leading private Christian university in Nigeria. The school has a reputation for academic excellence and is highly selective in its admissions process. Once admitted, Covenant University is among Universities in Nigeria Offering Generous Undergraduate Scholarships:

Full Tuition Scholarship: This covers 100% of tuition fees and is awarded based on outstanding academic performance. Students must maintain a minimum CGPA of 4.0 to renew this scholarship every year.

Half Tuition Scholarship: A 50% tuition discount awarded to students with an admission average of A or B. It is renewable yearly based on academic performance.

Need-Based Scholarship: Students with a strong financial need can apply for a partial to full tuition scholarship. Selection is based on financial situation and academic record.

Overall, Covenant offers scholarships worth over NGN 150 million to undergraduate students annually. The school has one of the most comprehensive scholarship programs for undergraduates in Nigeria.

Ahmadu Bello University

Located in Zaria, Kaduna State, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) is a federal university and one of the largest in Nigeria. For undergraduate students, ABU is among Universities in Nigeria Offering Generous Undergraduate Scholarships :

Merit Scholarship: Students with a minimum entry score of 300/400 can qualify for a 100% tuition waiver plus accommodation support.

Needs-Based Scholarship: Students whose parents or sponsors have a demonstrable financial constraint can apply for partial or full tuition coverage.

Zonal Scholarship: ABU reserves some scholarships slots for each student intake from Nigeria’s main geopolitical zones.

Overall, the ABU undergraduate scholarship program awards close to NGN 150 million annually. The school has a Grant-In-Aid program that also assists students facing financial difficulties during their studies.

University of Lagos

A favorite among students in the southern part of Nigeria, the University of Lagos (UNILAG) offers these undergraduate scholarships:

Academic Merit: Students with a minimum entry score of 280/400 receive significant tuition discounts ranging from 30% to 100%.

UNILAG Scholars: This covers 50% to 100% of tuition for academically outstanding students with no financial support.

Departmental Scholarship: Some departments offer partial to full scholarships based on students’ JAMB scores.

On average, UNILAG offers scholarships and other funding worth over NGN 200 million to undergraduate students each year. The university has strong partnerships with external donors and organizations that provide additional scholarships.

Obafemi Awolowo University

Located in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) is one of Nigeria’s first-generation federal universities. For undergraduates, it offers these scholarships:

Merit-Based: Students admitted with JAMB scores of 290/400 to 300/400 get 50% to 100% tuition discounts.

CGPA-Based: Students maintaining average scores of 4.0 to 5.0 receive up to 100% tuition coverage.

Special Scholarships: OAU has several named scholarships covering up to full tuition for exceptional students. These include scholarships for females and students from educationally less developed states.

Overall, OAU provides one of the most generous undergraduate scholarship programs in Nigeria, with awards valued at over NGN 300 million annually. The school combines merit, need, and other criteria in selecting scholarship recipients.

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Based in Enugu State, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) is one of Nigeria’s oldest federal universities. UNN offers these undergraduate scholarships:

First Class Scholarships: Students who graduated from secondary school with first class scores receive full tuition, accommodation, books, and a laptop allowance.

UNN Merit Scholarship: Students with JAMB scores above 290/400 get tuition discounts of 50% to 100%.

UNN Work-Study: Students work part-time within the university while earning a 50% tuition waiver plus monthly pay.

UNN also offers sports and disability scholarships, plus support from external donors and foundations. On average, the university provides undergraduate scholarships worth over NGN 250 million annually.

University of Ibadan

Nigeria’s first university, the University of Ibadan (UI), offers undergraduate scholarships including:

Merit Awards: Students with exceptional academic records and 300/400 JAMB scores receive tuition discounts of 80% to 100%.

Sports Scholarship: UI attracts some of Nigeria’s best student athletes by offering up to 100% tuition coverage and monthly stipends.

Special Consideration: Students with hearing/vision impairments or other disabilities can apply for financial aid and tuition waivers.

In total, UI provides over NGN 350 million in undergraduate scholarships each year. The school relies on internal funding and support from alumni, partners, and philanthropists.

The University of Ibadan’s long history and reputation for learning make its scholarship program highly competitive.

Afe Babalola University

Located in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Afe Babalola University is a reputable private university in Nigeria. It offers generous undergraduate scholarships including:

Full Academic Scholarship: Covering 100% tuition for the duration of the program, based on outstanding academic ability.

Sports Scholarship: Up to 100% tuition coverage for talented student athletes.

Arts & Culture Scholarship: For gifted students in creative fields like music, film, fashion and more.

On average, Afe Babalola University provides over NGN 250 million in undergraduate scholarships annually. The school has strong industry partnerships that provide additional scholarship funds.


In conclusion, Nigeria boasts many universities that offer generous undergraduate scholarships to attract bright minds from across the country. While academic merit is the most common scholarship criteria, financial need is often considered too.

Students shouldn’t shy away from applying to top federal and private universities even if they can’t afford the high tuition fees. With scholarships covering 50% to 100% of tuition, many Nigerian universities make world-class education much more accessible.

Make sure to understand the specific scholarship requirements at your desired university. Also leverage other funding options like government education loans and grants. With Nigeria’s youth population expected to grow exponentially over the next decade, these impactful undergraduate scholarships will become even more crucial.

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